I got one word for you right now...
I have one stat for you right now...
3 wins, 9 losses

I got one word for you right now...
I'm not heat fan at all but in all honesty it wasn't that big of a foul, what I mean is I don't think it affected his shot all that much, was a foul though. I think westbrook got fouled on the put back as well
did durant get rided for a foul?.. yes.. maybe a make up (non)call.. if i were a ref i would not have called it.. he still got unlocked and a very clean look when the shot got off.. shoulda hit it.. kobe would have.. star players get fouled all the time.. rise above it.
I'm not even complaining, I just said it was a foul, but the Thunder put themselves in the place to begin with so whatever.
But I don't blame the ref's for not blowing the whistle on that play. It wasn't egregious enough of a foul for them to blow the whistle. Ref's don't want to be the one's that decide the game, by putting some one on the line in the closing seconds.
I don't know about that anymore.
I guess it doesnt matter. What does matter is the Heat cant hold on to big leads, LeBron still sucks in the 4th quarter and the Heat are gonna lose this series. That much I do know...so if the refs give the Heat a pity call here and there, I can live with it. Its obvious they need it more than than OKC does...
*Definition of WAKE
intransitive verb
a : to be or remain awake b archaic : to remain awake on watch especially over a corpse c obsolete : to stay up late in revelry
: awake —often used with up
transitive verb
: to stand watch over (as a dead body); especially : to hold a wake over
a : to rouse from or as if from sleep : awake —often used with up b : stir, excite <woke up latent possibilities — Norman Douglas> c : to arouse conscious interest in : alert —usually used with to <woke the public to the risks>
a: to pull the ultimate douchbaggery by talking up your team to the point where everyone despises your very existence and then conveniently disappear when your team falters
SEE: Sideshow freaks 2011 NBA thread and 2012 NBA thread for examples of said disappearance act when times were tough
^^^ Wake Jr...
*que a wake appearance*