The Hot Toys seems a little weirder now having both of them in hand though. The Hot Toys is clearly better from a quality and paint applications stand point, but that rubber suit, I dunno. Now it looks way too fat looking to me, especially the torso, biceps and thighs. I think the armor and proportions on the NECA, save maybe them birthin' hips are way more accurate. The chest armor is less soft looking and closer to the source, as do the sharply sculpted boots. It actually looks like he's wearing segmented armor instead of this big, one piece rubber suit. I prefer the shape of the ears and head on the Hot Toys, but then again it still looks way too idealized. Those scallops and the chest symbol itself seem thicker and more toy like than the thinner material used on the NECA. Then there's that damn PERS panel that makes it seem like he's a robot.
Still, atleast I can actually handle the Hot Toys one without fear of breaking it. The NECA one is scary to handle, especially around the torso and hips.
Also, I don't know if you want to try this Maglor, or if it even bothers you but I modded the NECA figure a bit to have a fuller neck. I don't really like how the ears protrude through the cowl or how there's a noticeable difference between the head and the neck within the cowl. I decided to pop the head off, heat it up a bit and bulk the neck up with some cotton *****. Looks a lot better.
Thanks for the tip about the cotton. The protruding human ears does bug me.
I admit that the Hot Toys figure does look a little puffy. And the thickness of the cowl is nice on the Neca figure. But people actually prefer these proportions?
The legs are... bizarre... really strange looking. And the chest and rib cage are tiny. The Hot Toys figure does some idealizing, but NECA seems to have gone out of their way to make him look dorky. I prefer a little idealizing.
2 things I like about the NECA figure:
1) The segmented armor is a nice idea. Though it's poorly executed (or would be at a higher price point). The armor is not form fitting at all - especially in back. They could have made it more form fitting, as there is very little torso articulation anyway. The ankle guards are nice.
2) The sculpt of the abs are excellent. This is the one area where the idealizing on the Hot Toys figure bothers me. I definitely prefer the NECA figure in this one respect.
Despite the rubber on the Hot Toys figure, I find him much more articulate than the NECA figure. I have never had trouble raising arms on my Hot Toys Bat, and a handful of joints cant compete with a fully articulated True Type when it comes to the subtle adjustments that make a figure come to life and look like a real person. Also, the elbows on the NECA figure (especially his right arm) are extremely restrictive, making poses with the arms in front very limited.
All that said, this figure is worth every penny. At the size, he makes for an imposing shelf presence, and at a distance (like a high shelf in my case) he looks pretty good if you keep those thighs in shadow.
A quick tip for those who worry about weak ankles. Mine took a shelf dive (from the top of my detolf), and thankfully survived without harm. I've fixed the tip forward problem by rolling up and trimming a section of electrical tape and sticking it between the front of his ankles and the ankle armor. I got the idea from the Mime Joker which comes from the factory with a piece of white foam stuck in the front of the shoe serving the same purpose. Now I only have to make sure the legs and torso are correctly positioned and he will stay standing indefinitely.
Now to see if I can get the wrinkles out of the cape...