Okaaayyy. Stick to plastic NECA.
Ok.. I knew those figures existed, but I didn't realize NECA made them.
the only difference is that the NECA one will probably last decades while the Hot Toys one might deteriorate in a couple of years. Might be plastic but at least it will outlast the HT one probably.
This has been a problem with some Hot Toys figures in the past like the Comedian and DX02 among others, but so far so good on the DX09 Batman's durability. I remember some very isolated reports of residue on the DX09, but after wiping it away, there hasn't been anywhere near the level or persistence of the problem that the Comedian and DX02 had.
Besides, the NECA plastic might crack in a few years, probably. We won't know for sure for decades, right? I live in the present. And for right now, the time I want to enjoy my figures, the Hot Toys Batman blows the NECA Batman away in terms of most closely replicating look of the source material (at least based on this proto).
Again, this is not a diss on NECA, because their Keaton Batman is great for what it is, a quality mid-priced figure made of mostly one material (mostly if not all plastic as far as I can tell) and for its price point. The Hot Toys Batman is also great for what it is, a more expensive, more detailed, figure made of several materials that almost certainly cost more to put together. I don't think there is much debate that the Hot Toys one is justified in having a higher price, the only question is whether or not it is worth that much of a higher price.
The NECA Batman blows the Hot Toys Batman away in terms of absolute price, but then so does a 1990 Kenner 5.5 inch plastic Shadow Wing Batman from the Dark Knight Collection, which is also great...for what it is.
My DX09 once had white chalky substance on its legs. I know it's bad news as it's sign of plasticizers evaporating. I wiped it off, and thankfully it never appeared again. I made sure that getting a bottle of Aerospace protectant is on my to-do list when I visit the US next week for the Emerald City Comic Con.
What's funny is that I also believe that my less expensive Batman figures would probably outlast the more expensive ones, even if it's the latter that gets more care and dusting. DX09 is a great figure and I wish it would last as long as my mattel 10" Batman or my NECA 1/4 Preds. But this is one fact why I would also not let this NECA figure get past me. I'm sure it's going to be on my shelf for years.
Or this one: the 11" Black Rubber Batman figure that I got for $2 back in '89 from a local Fastfood as part of their tie-up with the 1st Keaton Batman movie (local fastfood, but I'm sure the toy is made in China --it only says "TM & C DC Comics 1989 on its butt). I have never applied anything to it and seldom cleaned it, but it never had signs of cracking, oil leaks, whatever. Attached picture was taken today, and this 24-year old toy is still good as new.
Of course, but despite this, you're keeping your HT Batman because it fills a void that the lower-end options cannot in terms of mimicry of the real thing and extreme attention to detail. And the lower-end options give you a peace-of-mind that the HT Batman cannot, but they're not on the same level of HT in terms of looks.
Oh yeah, can't argue with that. That's why I'd love my HT Keaton Batman to last long, but nothing lasts forever so
This has been a problem with some Hot Toys figures in the past like the Comedian and DX02 among others, but so far so good on the DX09 Batman's durability. I remember some very isolated reports of residue on the DX09, but after wiping it away, there hasn't been anywhere near the level or persistence of the problem that the Comedian and DX02 had.
Besides, the NECA plastic might crack in a few years, probably. We won't know for sure for decades, right? I live in the present. And for right now, the time I want to enjoy my figures, the Hot Toys Batman blows the NECA Batman away in terms of most closely replicating look of the source material (at least based on this proto).
Again, this is not a diss on NECA, because their Keaton Batman is great for what it is, a quality mid-priced figure made of mostly one material (mostly if not all plastic as far as I can tell) and for its price point. The Hot Toys Batman is also great for what it is, a more expensive, more detailed, figure made of several materials that almost certainly cost more to put together. I don't think there is much debate that the Hot Toys one is justified in having a higher price, the only question is whether or not it is worth that much of a higher price.
The NECA Batman blows the Hot Toys Batman away in terms of absolute price, but then so does a 1990 Kenner 5.5 inch plastic Shadow Wing Batman from the Dark Knight Collection, which is also great...for what it is.
Yeah I know, I'm just being cheeky.Those figures are done in the style of vintage Mego figures, they're meant to look silly by today's standards.
NOTHING lasts forever.
NECA Batman will outlive Hot Toys though, the bodies anyway.
neca is pretty notorious for broken joints. the issue will probably be less with a larger figure since the connective joints will be much larger and thus stronger, but i doubt they will be eliminated. part of the issues with them is the amount of over spray going into the actual joints, fuzing them together over time. you can remedy this with a hot/cold trick if its a mild case but it will eventually happen again if let sit in a pose for long enough.
i cant tell you how many joints on neca produced figures i have had snap right out of package over the years...its been more then any other brand of toy i regularly buy, i can tell you that much.
as far as costs go between neca and hot toys. hot toys are more expensive for a very good reason. more parts, more molds, more paint, more packaging...more everything.
neca is basically just making over sized versions of what they already do with exceptions to specific detail they could not possibly make work in the 7 inch scale such as the netting on predators while keeping within the 80 - 90 dollar range for retail sales.
neca is pretty notorious for broken joints. the issue will probably be less with a larger figure since the connective joints will be much larger and thus stronger, but i doubt they will be eliminated. part of the issues with them is the amount of over spray going into the actual joints, fuzing them together over time. you can remedy this with a hot/cold trick if its a mild case but it will eventually happen again if let sit in a pose for long enough.
i cant tell you how many joints on neca produced figures i have had snap right out of package over the years...its been more then any other brand of toy i regularly buy, i can tell you that much.
as far as costs go between neca and hot toys. hot toys are more expensive for a very good reason. more parts, more molds, more paint, more packaging...more everything.
neca is basically just making over sized versions of what they already do with exceptions to specific detail they could not possibly make work in the 7 inch scale such as the netting on predators while keeping within the 80 - 90 dollar range for retail sales.
I would be okay with this if the figures lasted more than 3 years. I mean, you are paying so much and they use the worst rubber... I don't know, I used to LOVE Hot Toys before I wanted to buy so many of them but after seeing the oil residues and the damage of rubber bodies I never wanted to touch a Hot Toys figure,
I mean, I don't know, when I buy a figure I expect it to last at least 5 years, and I would like to display it in different poses as well.
my only gripe with Hot Toys is the cheap rubber that eats away.
It is true that NECA joints break, that is true, but sometimes that can even be fixed. I had to fix the leg of my Falconer predator and now he looks fine,
there is nothing you can do with rubber Hot Toys figures,
I own a few 7-8" NECAs and I have never encountered a broken joint. I found love late on their 1/4, got a couple of Preds, and never had any problems with their joints. I just got a mint but previously owned 22" Alien and was surprised that the joints are still tight, but easily moveable. I remember Xenowolf's review on the Alien figure and he broke the left ankle joint, but I guess it was an isolated case. Now can we say isolated on the Batman Begins TF Exclusive figure, which is very expensive? I think the only reason it's expensive is because it's "rare". I don't see why it should be expensive with its flaking rubber suit and its poorly sculpted headsculpts.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that these things can happen to every figure, cheap or expensive, high end or not.
Now regarding NECA just making blow-ups of their 8" figures, let's hope that Hot Toys won't do the same with their QS001, because at this point all we've seen is a blow-up of the DX12, magnifying the imperfections.
Just so we're clear, Imay sound like it, but I'm no NECA fanboy. I'm an action figure fan. And I own more HTs that NECAs.