NECA: 1/4 Batman 1989 Michael Keaton figure

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No pics I'm afraid because my camera is so broken down, dirty and scratched it barely pics up light anymore and my phone is an old Nokia candybar style phone - which I have prided myself on up to this point but will likely upgrade to a modern standard by year's end because there's certain apps I really could do with having. Anyway...

The '89 Batman really does have great presence at this size. It's iconic as **** and I see a very good Keaton likeness here, NECA paint notwithstanding (mine has some excess ''wash'' in the lines of his face, on one side moreso than the other. At a distance you wouldn't notice, only on close study.

Thankfully the bat ears are pointing up although the cowl is kinda wonky - which it has in common with the 7'' figure so I think it's just the way it was sculpted - and maybe deliberately? Perhaps the movie cowl was also not perfectly symmetrical? I could believe that.

I've always found the shape and proportions of the body and legs a little odd on the small NECA figure and this 1/4 scale is obviously the same. Maybe this is more accurate, I dunno, but I'm used to the Hot Toys build and silhouette. The body seems very long, rectangular and slim whilst the thighs sorta balloon out a bit. However, I knew this was what I was getting here and it didn't put me off buying the figure.

Weirdly mine came packed with his cape inside-out. I was going to come on here and ask if there had been some cost-cutting because the 'leather' portion of the cape was only at the very front with the whole back being the same material as my coat. Meanwhile the inside was entirely 'leather'. Then it dawned on me. The cape actually isn't the worst, you can get it looking reasonably OK if you tuck it between his arms and body at the front - this doesn't have any precut slits for the poles to go through from what I can tell and I have yet to do that. I will though because I've always wanted to have the wings out pose as a default but you can't really risk it with the Hot Toys. Still have to worry about warping the front scallops of the cowl though.

Accessory-wise, well, not much and hard to know what to do with what's there. I actually rarely use accessories with Batman figures anyway, which I suppose is weird considering he's the Superhero of Gadgets. There is one definite downgrade from prior releases after my viewing of youtube reviews - the grapple gun on mine does not come apart unless I rip it apart, possibly warping it in the process so I'm just not going to. It's also missing silver paint on one part and is instead flat black.

All-in-all though, glad to have it.
No pics I'm afraid because my camera is so broken down, dirty and scratched it barely pics up light anymore and my phone is an old Nokia candybar style phone - which I have prided myself on up to this point but will likely upgrade to a modern standard by year's end because there's certain apps I really could do with having. Anyway...

The '89 Batman really does have great presence at this size. It's iconic as **** and I see a very good Keaton likeness here, NECA paint notwithstanding (mine has some excess ''wash'' in the lines of his face, on one side moreso than the other. At a distance you wouldn't notice, only on close study.

Thankfully the bat ears are pointing up although the cowl is kinda wonky - which it has in common with the 7'' figure so I think it's just the way it was sculpted - and maybe deliberately? Perhaps the movie cowl was also not perfectly symmetrical? I could believe that.

I've always found the shape and proportions of the body and legs a little odd on the small NECA figure and this 1/4 scale is obviously the same. Maybe this is more accurate, I dunno, but I'm used to the Hot Toys build and silhouette. The body seems very long, rectangular and slim whilst the thighs sorta balloon out a bit. However, I knew this was what I was getting here and it didn't put me off buying the figure.

Weirdly mine came packed with his cape inside-out. I was going to come on here and ask if there had been some cost-cutting because the 'leather' portion of the cape was only at the very front with the whole back being the same material as my coat. Meanwhile the inside was entirely 'leather'. Then it dawned on me. The cape actually isn't the worst, you can get it looking reasonably OK if you tuck it between his arms and body at the front - this doesn't have any precut slits for the poles to go through from what I can tell and I have yet to do that. I will though because I've always wanted to have the wings out pose as a default but you can't really risk it with the Hot Toys. Still have to worry about warping the front scallops of the cowl though.

Accessory-wise, well, not much and hard to know what to do with what's there. I actually rarely use accessories with Batman figures anyway, which I suppose is weird considering he's the Superhero of Gadgets. There is one definite downgrade from prior releases after my viewing of youtube reviews - the grapple gun on mine does not come apart unless I rip it apart, possibly warping it in the process so I'm just not going to. It's also missing silver paint on one part and is instead flat black.

All-in-all though, glad to have it.
So this is your first time owning it wow!

The body never bothered me because mine will forever be covered by his cape.

This figure has only 3 critical components his head, his cape and the scallops lol
Regarding the holes in the cape, look very carefully. It wouldn’t surprise me if the reissue omitted them, but on my original release they are really tiny and very easy to overlook before inserting the wing poles for the first time.
Regarding the holes in the cape, look very carefully. It wouldn’t surprise me if the reissue omitted them, but on my original release they are really tiny and very easy to overlook before inserting the wing poles for the first time.
You were right, found them after watching The Review Spot's new video.
Knocking the dust off this thread…

Anyone else have the Jaxon Xu cape from OSK? It’s awesome!

Ok guys, I’m very very late in the party…😅
One of you recently acquired the 1/4 Neca trio (Batman, Catwoman and Penguin) and it made me want to chase this big boy.

When it was released, I didn’t picked it because I didn’t wanted to mix different scales but for these last two years I drastically reduced my collection and mainly focused it on Batman 89, so it was the perfect timing to try to grab it.

I found it locally for 130 € used in box. Given that here in France the retail price was 159€, I think it’s a good deal. Box was near perfect. The only thing missing is the Cathedral grappling. Maybe lost or broken by the former owner. Doesn’t bother me too much given that I don’t plan to display it.

I didn’t had a big experience concerning Neca and I used to see their figures more like toys rather than collectibles.
I didn’t really know exactly what I was getting. I a was a little bit anxious to get something light, rough and cheap and honestly, it’s absolutely amazing!

It’s very heavy and sturdy. Proportions are great. The suit is very accurate. It really looks like the real suit, maybe even more realistic than the DX09.
Sculpt is maybe a little exaggerated or caricatural for some but no mistake, it’s definitely Keaton. I mean it sweats Keaton and has a lot of Keaton vibes.

The cape is maybe the best surprise. Initially I was planning to get a custom cape but the stock cape is great with a good weight, length and drapes very well. ( is that means it’s a 2nd release ? Maybe specialists could confirm?)

Paint is rougher than HT for sure but it’s really decent for the price. Mine is flawless with no issue, even the emblem is perfect.
Belt gets a nice slight weathering.
The only thing is his left eye seems crooked but there no issue in the paint, just the mask not perfectly aligned. So it doesn’t bother me too much. It’s only visible under certain angle.

So very glad to have it in my collection!



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Stopped collecting 1/4 for the most part a long time ago so I sold mine incl. custom cape, then I felt seller's remorse and re-bought it when they re-released it but it's still packaged. Haven't bought a new custom cape for it yet bc I don't know if it's even necessary. I liked my Neca Keaton more than both the Sideshow PF and the DX09 for reasons I can't fully explain, although the hip area was a bit weird. It just hits different when you look under the mask and there's a fully painted sculpt beneath it. The prototype was even slightly better but it's still good. You can just tell they put more love and effort into it than certain other companies, which I appreciate.
Me too. Honestly I didn’t think I would like it so much. For the price it’s a fantastic figure.
Honestly if your cape is as good as mine ( still don’t know what release I’ve got, probably second…) a custom cape isn’t necessary IMO…
I always wished NECA would have made MORE 1/4 scale figures. The four Burton figures (Batman, Catwoman, Sewer Penguin and Mayor Penguin) were all knock-outs, especially for the price point. I thought the Superman '78 figure was great, too, though I didn't hang onto mine. Never bothered with the Arkham game or Nolan stuff. Does NECA even still have the license to produce DC stuff? I know they've re-issued the Bats, Catwoman and Mayor Penguin a few times, but, man, it would be really dope if they went back to this well.
I always wished NECA would have made MORE 1/4 scale figures. The four Burton figures (Batman, Catwoman, Sewer Penguin and Mayor Penguin) were all knock-outs, especially for the price point. I thought the Superman '78 figure was great, too, though I didn't hang onto mine. Never bothered with the Arkham game or Nolan stuff. Does NECA even still have the license to produce DC stuff? I know they've re-issued the Bats, Catwoman and Mayor Penguin a few times, but, man, it would be really dope if they went back to this well.
Yeah only thing that bothered me was the scarcity of villains so it'd be nice to see them revisit their 1/4 lines, although it seems very unlikely. The few villains they did put out were all from the prequels or sequels and didn't match their Batman releases (Arkham Knight vs City Harley Quinn, Batman 89 vs Catwoman/Penguin Returns, Batman Begins vs Dark Knight Joker).
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Yeah only thing that bothered me was the scarcity of villains so it'd be nice to see them revisit their 1/4 lines, although it seems very unlikely. The few villains they did put out were all from the sequels and didn't match their Batman releases (Arkham Knight vs City Harley Quinn, Batman 89 vs Catwoman/Penguin Returns, Batman Begins vs Dark Knight Joker).
I never noticed that before, but you're right! I wonder what the thought process was there. I understand they couldn't afford Nicholson, fine, but, Returns suit Batman would have been nice. I know, around that time, someone asked on Twitter, "will you do Batman Forever figures?" And Randy's response was, "not interested, not a fan." Which...always seemed short-sighted to me, lol. To quote Joe Dirt, "it's not what YOU like, it's the con-sum-er..."
Recently picked up an old NIB release of this as well waiting for the Hot Toys 2.0 to ship. I had a rolling preorder in with Entertainment Earth for a supposed reissue, but got impatient and went with this instead. The 1/4 Batman shelf waited long enough. Finally got a chance to unbox him and agree with you all, really great in-hand!

It's sad that the NECA has more fidelity to the suit than either of Hot Toys' releases (the texture of the suit; the torso armor piece being a completely separate element; an unmistakable Keaton sculpt UNDER the cowl that truly feels recessed inside, etc). This figure shows its age, sure, and the paint decos aren't next-level, but, damn it if NECA didn't knock it out of the park. I think their Sewer Penguin is even better. Great likeness to Danny DeVito on that one!