NECA 1/4 scale predator

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Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

i dont know why people keep bringing up the ht pred 1 to compare to this. even if this neca version doesnt exist, that ht pred still looks bad. it was bad the first time i laid eyes on it, it's still bad now after neca showed it who's boss. sure sure, ht pred lights up, has unlimited joints and accessories, whatever... go play with your toy in the kiddy room. when you want to do a FILM character, then it better look like how it is in the FILM. screen accuracy is always numero uno when you're doing movie based collectibles.

that said, if neca cant spare us 2 extra heads, they sure can spare us one extra interchangeable mandible and a removable mask, cant they? what's with the cheapo attitude? and spare me the 'this is expensive to make, have to recoup cost' bull____.

Except that it ISN'T bull____. These things really ARE expensive to make. I don't know why that concept is so difficult for people to grasp.

And when the predators can have accurately sized heads AND a removable mask, the mandibles have to be pretty squished and they don't look as good.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Guys just relax a little. The Cinemaquette Pred while it is not completely movie accurate is great and a beautifull piece. The Predator Maquette from SS is almost perfectly accurate. Only the shoulder cannon is not perfect and it was the only piece on the real thing which was not laser scanned. Otherwise it is dead on...and honestly say I can't belive the Neca 1/4 pred will be ever better than SS maquette. However I will buy it because It looks absolutelly great sculpt wise. It is almost 100% dead on. And if the pain won't be as good. than there is the repaint option which I am willing to use. SS and Neca right now (If the mass produced Neca Pred will look like the prototype) have the best preds scult wise. The HT one cannot come close to these. It is almost totally inaccurate.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator


piece of art> toys anyday
and you're judging art, how exactly? by it having no articulations? by how big the price tag is? is that the standard?

tell me, which of the two is art to you: the high priced, no articulation, cm godfather that looks nothing like brando, or the much much cheaper, fully articulated hot "toy" godfather that looks exactly like brando?

a great sculpt is a great sculpt, no matter the materials used and how much it retails for.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

:lol...........hate what? im sorry, but i dont see many ppl having a $80 figure as their most prized possession in their collection unless their kids. "Not that theres anything wrong with that". I never said this was a bad piece and you kids get all crazy when someone says its not the best thing out there :rotfl

:cuckoo:...........actually i dont have a CM Pred btw, again, im sorry, but anyone saying this is the most accurate Predator 1 SCULPT to date is just ignorant; dont take offense to it cause its true. The maquette from SS was a laser scan from what was used in the film; everything except for the cannon is completely accurate, so something hand built from scratch can't be more accurate than that. For those that disagree, they do so cause they ignore the facts, and if they dont think thats accurate, i have a 7'6 Pred sitting in my room from the original SWS molds, so you can see why i laugh at ppl that think that this could be more accurate than things i have either acquired in the past or currently have. I have never once said this is a bad sculpt or was completely inaccurate, but it is NOT the most accurate thing seen to date.

Alright, one P1 predator out there is more accurate than the NECA sculpt - and it was laser scanned, it wasn't even sculpted! So would that even be a "sculpt", or a "rendering"?

Would you agree that this is the most accurate P1 figure? :dunno

it's cool that you have a 7'6 predator in your room though! I'd love to own one, it'd really freak people out when they came over.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

And the head is too big.

Please... enough with this. It's barely noticeable and I'd much rather have it be too big (if that even counts as "big") than too small, like the new HT offerings. Seriously, it's thinking likes this that's ruining recent Predator collectibles. Newsflash, what you saw on-screen was the suit. If a company trying to replicate the proportions on the suit is a problem for you, then you can drop the whole accuracy argument.

I do admit the CM is skinny though. I'm just saying that getting on someone's back because the head is too big (when A, it's not that bad and B, the costume was like that) then claiming you want film accuracy doesn't fly. Sounds a tad hyppocritical in my book. Methinks that means you have a problem with the source material itself, rather than the actual piece.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Objectivity is great but it should be spread around - I don't see much of it from certain Neca fans here. Makes me embarrassed to be one myself.

when it comes to criticizing ... personally I do. Berserker NECA has some 'mistakes' (armor), T-1000 battle damage NECA has some errors (bullet hole above the belt, holes in the back away), T-800 Pescadero Escape NECA has some errors (eg number of holes bullet in the jacket... yes I'm crazy .. I have counted).
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator



The Paint on the SS is a bad joke, this Brown bleeeh.
Only thing that was looking good is the helm.
Overall this statue have no chance !

Necas Pred is much more detailed, have a much more authebnric paint and the scuplt is better, everything looks better

Other league
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Alright, one P1 predator out there is more accurate than the NECA sculpt - and it was laser scanned, it wasn't even sculpted! So would that even be a "sculpt", or a "rendering"?

Would you agree that this is the most accurate P1 figure? :dunno

it's cool that you have a 7'6 predator in your room though! I'd love to own one, it'd really freak people out when they came over.

Predatorstuff's has some very-very nice movie accurate predators from the first movie. They are at least as good as Kyle's Pred.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Except that it ISN'T bull____. These things really ARE expensive to make. I don't know why that concept is so difficult for people to grasp.
so they kept saying. fact is you dont how much it really costs. nobody knows except the few top neca guys. but even if it were true, there's always the option of raising the price above $80 and giving us the extra heads. and who says you wont sell more products by giving us the full complete package in one box, extra heads and all? neca just got into the habit of giving us variants because that's HOW it's ALWAYS been done with predators ever since kyle made the first one for mcf. and the fanboys ALWAYS BUY EVERY DAMN VERSIONS!

variants preds is an atm machine. dont you know?
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

The Paint on the SS is a bad joke, this Brown bleeeh.
Only thing that was looking good in the helm.
Overall this statue have no chance ! Scuplt is better and this is figure is much more detailed, everything looks better on the NECA !

Other league

What? Did you every saw the SS maquette in person? I am sorry to say but the Neca one you are referring to is just a prototype which has a great painting by a professional. The final figure will look nothing like this quality wise. It won't even come close to SS's paint level. And that brown bleeh is not just a brown bleeh. I am sure you never saw it personally.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

I am very happy NECA is making these Predators in 1/4 scale and especially for the price :yess:. I hope they continue with a whole line of them and I will buy them all, I love 1/4 scale but can't pay $300+ for all the ones I want from the Star Wars line. Nor will I pay $400 or more for a 1/6 Predator that originally sold for $120. This is a chance to have them in an even better scale and for way less :clap. I have the NECA 18inch T2 Endo and I am impressed with it, especially for $30 shipped.
Preordered both the Helmet and Open mouth versions :rock2.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Guy can we stop this war? Just enjoy your collectibles and be happy that Neca are making this classic predator! :rock
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

NECA is doing the right thing by making a different head as opposed to a removable mask. A removable mask would kill the accuracy of the sculpt. We all know that Preadtors have large heads because the human actor has to wear a big mask over his entire head. But they don't wear their Predator face masks under their bio helmets when they shoot the film. It's a human head under that bio mask most of the time.

That is why Hot Toy's masked version, although beautifully painted, looks like a bobblehead (see pics below). Because the mask has to be big enough to fit over the already oversized head. I'm not dumping on Hot Toys; their figure has its strength and its weaknesses, just as NECA's has its strengths and weaknesses.

Of course, we would all love it if NECA gave us a removable head, but they have the right to make a profit and this is the next best thing. The only way to accomplish accurate proportions in a masked Predator is to either have another head entirely OR to sacrifice accuracy in the UNmasked figure by making the head smaller than in the movie. The latter is actually what Hot Toys did with Berserker. A step in the right direction, but a whole new removable head would work better.

Take a look at the NECA promotional pic again, below. Look at those three heads on the bottom right. Notice that the masked head is almost the same size, height and width as the unmasked head. That is the correct proportion, and is very important to making him look impressive and intimidating. Giving him an oversized helmet and exacerbating it by making his body skinny does not create an impressive, intimidating figure IMO. Look at the Hot Toys masked Predator pictured below; his head is nearly the same size as his torso. It is nearly a bobblehead or a Kubrick, albeit an amazingly detailed one.

Of course Hot Toys has the great paint job, the jungle base and the accessories, so it really depends on what you are looking for. For me personally, I'll take the more accurate sculpt and the larger size over the smaller, less accurate but better painted and better accessorized one, even if it means I have to buy all three for $200 so long as the paint job isn't too bad on the NECA. I think that this will all come down to the paint job; if it is good, I think even the naysayers will be convinced. It really looks as though NECA is well aware of this and is doing everything it can to improve its paints; so let's all hope they can make it happen.



Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

so they kept saying. fact is you dont how much it really costs. nobody knows except the few top neca guys. but even if it were true, there's always the option of raising the price above $80 and giving us the extra heads. and who says you wont sell more products by giving us the full complete package in one box, extra heads and all? neca just got into the habit of giving us variants because that's HOW it's ALWAYS been done with predators ever since kyle made the first one for mcf. and the fanboys ALWAYS BUY EVERY DAMN VERSIONS!

variants preds is an atm machine. dont you know?

That's true, I don't know the EXACT cost, but it is expensive.

I'm friends with a person who tried to make an Albertasaurus dinosaur toy, who had it sculpted, cast, made in a factory, and then sold - the entire thing cost him about $100,000. And that was just a tiny dinosaur toy! Sure, one guy isn't that comparable to an entire company, but still, it shows how expensive things can be to make. Now, imagine a predator - big, highly detailed and intricate sculpt, that uses a lot of plastic and factory time that could be used going towards other projects that may make them more money, and you're getting really expensive there.

Why they think they won't sell more products if they put all three heads in one box at a higher price, I don't know, that's up to their business department presumably. Honestly I'm surprised this is being made at all.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

NECA is doing the right thing by making a different head as opposed to a removable mask. A removable mask would kill the accuracy of the sculpt. We all know that Preadtors have large heads because the human actor has to wear a big mask over his entire head. But they don't wear their Predator face masks under their bio helmets when they shoot the film. It's a human head under that bio mask most of the time.

That is why Hot Toy's masked version, although beautifully painted, looks like a bobblehead (see pics below). Because the mask has to be big enough to fit over the already oversized head. I'm not dumping on Hot Toys; their figure has its strength and its weaknesses, just as NECA's has its strengths and weaknesses.

Of course, we would all love it if NECA gave us a removable head, but they have the right to make a profit and this is the next best thing. The only way to accomplish accurate proportions in a masked Predator is to either have another head entirely OR to sacrifice accuracy in the UNmasked figure by making the head smaller than in the movie. The latter is actually what Hot Toys did with Berserker. A step in the right direction, but a whole new removable head would work better.

Take a look at the NECA promotional pic again, below. Look at those three heads on the bottom right. Notice that the masked head is almost the same size, height and width as the unmasked head. That is the correct proportion, and is very important to making him look impressive and intimidating. Giving him an oversized helmet and exacerbating it by making his body skinny does not create an impressive, intimidating figure IMO. Look at the Hot Toys masked Predator pictured below; his head is nearly the same size as his torso. It is nearly a bobblehead or a Kubrick, albeit an amazingly detailed one.

Of course Hot Toys has the great paint job, the jungle base and the accessories, so it really depends on what you are looking for. For me personally, I'll take the more accurate sculpt and the larger size over the smaller, less accurate but better painted and better accessorized one, even if it means I have to buy all three for $200 so long as the paint job isn't too bad on the NECA. I think that this will all come down to the paint job; if it is good, I think even the naysayers will be convinced. It really looks as though NECA is well aware of this and is doing everything it can to improve its paints; so let's all hope they can make it happen.




one emoticon: :clap
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

@Hume77: AVP Predators kick so much ass... love that gorgeous armor. And their big heads don't even look so big after they're armored and kitted up. My little off-topic post of the day :).
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Blade3327: I think that the Hot Toys AvP Preds are gorgeous when masked. I agree with you about the armor, they have the best armor design of any Predators and Hot Toys did it up right, making it look wonderfully weathered and authentic. I agree with you that the AvP Preds heads don't look too big when armored up - they look amazing in fact (the unmasked face comes up, short, though, IMO), but I was referring to the Classic Pred in that picture not the AvP. Take another look at it; look at the head on the AvP, then look at the head on the Classic. Then look at Classic's torso, just the chest and abdominal cavity, and compare it to the head. They are the same size or very nearly so. Combined with the skinny legs . . . honestly I really thought I was looking at a highly detailed bobblehead the first time I saw it. I agree it is a beautifully painted and accessorized figure, and if that is what you value over sculpt accuracy, then that is your preference, to each his own, but I'll take the more accurate sculpt anyday.

There are no perfect figures, NECA has the sculpt, Hot Toys has the paint. Comes down to individual priorities. Now that Kyle Windrix is saying that NECA is pulling out all the stops to improve their paints, I think that things are about to get . . . interesting. I really hope NECA comes through on this.

