NECA 1/4 scale predator

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Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

NECA is doing the right thing by making a different head as opposed to a removable mask. A removable mask would kill the accuracy of the sculpt. We all know that Preadtors have large heads because the human actor has to wear a big mask over his entire head. But they don't wear their Predator face masks under their bio helmets when they shoot the film. It's a human head under that bio mask most of the time.

That is why Hot Toy's masked version, although beautifully painted, looks like a bobblehead (see pics below). Because the mask has to be big enough to fit over the already oversized head. I'm not dumping on Hot Toys; their figure has its strength and its weaknesses, just as NECA's has its strengths and weaknesses.

Of course, we would all love it if NECA gave us a removable head, but they have the right to make a profit and this is the next best thing. The only way to accomplish accurate proportions in a masked Predator is to either have another head entirely OR to sacrifice accuracy in the UNmasked figure by making the head smaller than in the movie. The latter is actually what Hot Toys did with Berserker. A step in the right direction, but a whole new removable head would work better.

Take a look at the NECA promotional pic again, below. Look at those three heads on the bottom right. Notice that the masked head is almost the same size, height and width as the unmasked head. That is the correct proportion, and is very important to making him look impressive and intimidating. Giving him an oversized helmet and exacerbating it by making his body skinny does not create an impressive, intimidating figure IMO. Look at the Hot Toys masked Predator pictured below; his head is nearly the same size as his torso. It is nearly a bobblehead or a Kubrick, albeit an amazingly detailed one.

Of course Hot Toys has the great paint job, the jungle base and the accessories, so it really depends on what you are looking for. For me personally, I'll take the more accurate sculpt and the larger size over the smaller, less accurate but better painted and better accessorized one, even if it means I have to buy all three for $200 so long as the paint job isn't too bad on the NECA. I think that this will all come down to the paint job; if it is good, I think even the naysayers will be convinced. It really looks as though NECA is well aware of this and is doing everything it can to improve its paints; so let's all hope they can make it happen.
sorry. i dont buy it. ht pred looks like a bobblehead not because of the mask but because the head itself is already proportionally too big. ditto with ht berserker, they shrank the head and as a consequence when it's masked, it still looks shrunk. i look at the 3 neca heads in that picture and can only see the possibility of a removable mask working just fine.

Why they think they won't sell more products if they put all three heads in one box at a higher price, I don't know, that's up to their business department presumably. Honestly I'm surprised this is being made at all.
i already told you why: the fanboys ALWAYS BUY EVERY DAMN PRED VARIANTS! and neca knows this all too well. :wink1:
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

That is why Hot Toy's masked version, although beautifully painted, looks like a bobblehead (see pics below). Because the mask has to be big enough to fit over the already oversized head. I'm not dumping on Hot Toys; their figure has its strength and its weaknesses, just as NECA's has its strengths and weaknesses.

Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

I've got my own issues with all of these figures and statues, I've voiced some here already about these NECA figures. But, the thing I get out of all of them that interests me the most is the enjoyment of owning them. I'm sure the SSC Predator 1 & 2 dios sitting behind me are full of inaccuracies and errors. But, I love having them greet me when I walk into my office every day.

Errors be damned, I enjoy them. I'm excited to get these NECA figures when they release too, barring some really unexpected bad surprises from future pictures we've not seen yet.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

I think the painting of this 1 / 4 predator will be more accurate. Might be really the king of action figures of predator...

I have at hand the 7 "classic predator ... and if I think what will be the 19"... I tremble...
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

What? Did you every saw the SS maquette in person? I am sorry to say but the Neca one you are referring to is just a prototype which has a great painting by a professional. The final figure will look nothing like this quality wise. It won't even come close to SS's paint level. And that brown bleeh is not just a brown bleeh. I am sure you never saw it personally.

Oh yes the differnce beetween my 20 Alien" and the Proto is so so big, lol:slap

My 20" ALien (Retail):



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Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

I think the painting of this 1 / 4 predator will be more accurate. Might be really the king of action figures of predator...

easily :wink1: This is not a 12" or 7" figure, but many here forgetten this.
The 1/4 scale is perfect for the predator because they can put all the small details in this figure with a clean paint and we all know Predator is a very detailed beast.
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Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

sorry. i dont buy it. ht pred looks like a bobblehead not because of the mask but because the head itself is already proportionally too big. ditto with ht berserker, they shrank the head and as a consequence when it's masked, it still looks shrunk. i look at the 3 neca heads in that picture and can only see the possibility of a removable mask working just fine.

Maybe we're both right. Maybe the Hot Toys head is already too big for the body - considering that the body is undersized, sure, I'll accept that. But I think that the decision to place the mask over the head is a factor as well. The bobblehead effect is still there without the mask but not as pronounced IMO (see below).

As far as the possibility of NECA's mask fitting over NECA's head, we are going to have to agree to disagree on that, unless that mask is a very, very thin piece of plastic. Which, as we know, would cause complaints in its own right.

Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

don't know if anyone's said this, but I'm thinking of kind of making it Premium Format style since it's going to have the real netting on there. I want to put a cloth material real loincloth as well as real leather straps.

then a more challenging part that I want to try is to make the mandibles removable (possibly with thin magnetic strips) in order to make a removable Bio-Mask for it...

anyone think of commissioning a Bio-Mask for this piece?
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Alright, one P1 predator out there is more accurate than the NECA sculpt - and it was laser scanned, it wasn't even sculpted! So would that even be a "sculpt", or a "rendering"?

Would you agree that this is the most accurate P1 figure? :dunno

it's cool that you have a 7'6 predator in your room though! I'd love to own one, it'd really freak people out when they came over.

well a machine doesnt put the statue together, so i would say its a sculpt. Have you seen Narin's 1/6 statue? Thats a damn great sculpt as well, but without either in front of me, i couldnt make a comparison between those 2. Yes, this figure is the most accurate Predator figure released, but not the most accurate full figure Predator 1 collectible available.



The Paint on the SS is a bad joke, this Brown bleeeh.
Only thing that was looking good is the helm.
Overall this statue have no chance !

Necas Pred is much more detailed, have a much more authebnric paint and the scuplt is better, everything looks better

Other league

ok, its completely obvious your a Neca fanboy cause those comments show you have never seen the piece in person, making your rebuttal look completely weak.

What? Did you every saw the SS maquette in person? I am sorry to say but the Neca one you are referring to is just a prototype which has a great painting by a professional. The final figure will look nothing like this quality wise. It won't even come close to SS's paint level. And that brown bleeh is not just a brown bleeh. I am sure you never saw it personally.


the master/proto piece will never be comparable to what actually goes out the door

and you're judging art, how exactly? by it having no articulations? by how big the price tag is? is that the standard?

tell me, which of the two is art to you: the high priced, no articulation, cm godfather that looks nothing like brando, or the much much cheaper, fully articulated hot "toy" godfather that looks exactly like brando?

Size has nothing to do with it/
a great sculpt is a great sculpt, no matter the materials used and how much it retails for.

nope, has nothing to do with articulation or price, and we're not comparing the Godfather, we're comparing Predator. I judge art based on execution, paint, sculpt accuracy,media,durability and style. The only argument i ever here that puts figures over statues is that their poseable. Yea, some figures look much better than statues counterparts, but the Neca Pred is not a good example of that. The Neca will be inferior in paint, accuracy, media,and durability. Style and execution is more about a persons perception, so i wont argue that.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

don't know if anyone's said this, but I'm thinking of kind of making it Premium Format style since it's going to have the real netting on there. I want to put a cloth material real loincloth as well as real leather straps.

then a more challenging part that I want to try is to make the mandibles removable (possibly with thin magnetic strips) in order to make a removable Bio-Mask for it...

anyone think of commissioning a Bio-Mask for this piece?
you better do this and there better be pics or so help me...
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

don't know if anyone's said this, but I'm thinking of kind of making it Premium Format style since it's going to have the real netting on there. I want to put a cloth material real loincloth as well as real leather straps.

then a more challenging part that I want to try is to make the mandibles removable (possibly with thin magnetic strips) in order to make a removable Bio-Mask for it...

anyone think of commissioning a Bio-Mask for this piece?

this is exactly what i have in mind.
not sure about the mask yet though as im new to sculpting.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

this is exactly what i have in mind.
not sure about the mask yet though as im new to sculpting.

same here. well I'm not new to sculpting, but I don't think I could do the bio-mask justice. I'm just used to resculpting SS 1/6 figs as well as a few others, so I'm not too sure I'd know how to get the bio-mask going
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator


the master/proto piece will never be comparable to what actually goes out the door
You hope so :exactly:

Yes like i said before the difference is so huge between final product and proto, man :lol :lol
Neca give me my money back:lol

The 18 predator will have a much better painting than the SS, which is guaranteed because poorer as SS the Paint can not be.:monkey1

In compare with Necas masterpiece, a big big Fail in every discipline:monkey4

My 20" ALien (Retail):



Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

This will be a cool figure no doubt. But will it match the grandeur and presence of the Sideshow maquette that is a miniaturized replica of the 1:1 scale Predator displayed in Stan Winston studios? I don't think so.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

This will be a cool figure no doubt. But will it match the grandeur and presence of the Sideshow maquette that is a miniaturized replica of the 1:1 scale Predator displayed in Stan Winston studios? I don't think so.

Its not hard to beat this.:lecture
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

This forum has gone ape____.

What is the point of comparing a statue to a figure?

Just collect what you like, who cares what others think.

I own just about every type of collectible...models, statues, figures, one-offs...and I like them all for different reasons.

This continuing bickering about how much better a NECA figure is to a Cinemaquette or a Sideshow piece is absolutely retarded as are those who are participating in the arguing.

This is truly some of the most idiotic and ridiculous crap I've ever read on this forum.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

I enjoy all Predator and Alien collectibles. From the revoltechs to the Neca figures to the Cinemaquettes. I just hate seeing people put down great collectibles for no reason.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Every piece should be judged on its own merits.

Not compared to a completely different type of collectible.

So stupid.