NECA 1/4 scale predator

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Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Blade seriously, fix your sig. It's so ____ing big, it ruins the entire thread.

Your screen'd have to be pretty small. You sure you're not running it on its max resolution? I'd be surprised if there were still people running under 1280 x 1024. Granted, I have a 24" widescreen, but still.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

No it's not me, but it's the diorama idea i'd like to recreate. Skinned victims hanging upside down with the hunter lurking past them trees.

Cool Sig, BTW

Thanks buddy!! :) I like you dio idea by the way.

I just can't tell how happy I am because this thing will be released. I hope the pred will live up to the hype. Good pantjob please!!
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Then they should've done that.

Until you commit suicide. :yess:

I find the whole thing a wee bit o silly!

I find the whole thing a wee bit o silly!

I find the whole thing a wee bit o silly!

I find the whole thing a wee bit o silly!

Fourteen-thousand posts, and most of them likely just annoying complaints and (not-so) passive aggressive disagreements with other views, and then _____ing when other people do the same to you.
Keep up the good work, son. :clap

Almost every alien or predator thread features you, at some point, _____ing and arguing with another member. That "can't speak english very well dude" might be annoying and doesn't know how to speak his opinion without being rude, but at least he has valid points from time to time. I'd rather read 10,000 his rants and chuckle to myself, than read just one more of your uninformed, self-entitlement encrusted posts.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Very excited for this. Now I am going to obsess with which one to get. I am leaning more towards the Open mouth. I love the Mask version, but the Open mouth just has more detail and looks badass.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

I thought I will only purchase the masked version but maybe I will get the open or closed mouth version too. My only problem is that I don't want to display two huge figure which are the same...only the heads are different.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

So...any guesses which version will be the peg warmer? I'm banking on the closed mouth.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

I thought I will only purchase the masked version but maybe I will get the open or closed mouth version too. My only problem is that I don't want to display two huge figure which are the same...only the heads are different.

I agree, only one of them would look right displayed. I think it would be to monotonous if they were displayed together and the only thing different would be the head.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

So...any guesses which version will be the peg warmer? I'm banking on the closed mouth.

I'd agree with that, it's less iconic, but still very cool, and I'm really happy they're making it. It's almost more unique and interesting because it's not the face we always see when discussing the pred.

In my opinion it's probably the way the predators look when they're relaxed, so it's nice to have it that way... Plus I think the impact is lost when everything is sculpted in the open mouth "attacking/angry" stance all the time-- same thing with the Alien. I'd like to see a closed mouth alien, or at least some engineering on expensive figs like the hot toys that incorporates a closed mouth design.
If their mandibles/whatever were meant to be splayed open at all times, I doubt the predators would have designed their bio masks for use in the (uncomfortable, not relaxed?) closed-mouth position.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

I agree, its why I was originally only going to go with the closed mouth - the less obvious option. However I decided I might aswell get the roaring one too.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Wow, I don't get online for a few days and look what I miss. I am VERY excited about this! This will go great next to my NECA 1/4 Alien.

Tankman, thank you for the phenomenal sculpt on this bad boy! And I agree, the price is great for what we are getting. I still love my Hot Toys fig, and I will love this as well.

Like everyone has said though, I just hope that the paint apps are good. You stated earlier that the paint apps would be better than the Hot Toys's version, and then later stated you hope the apps will be good. In particular since the netting will be difficult to remove if it needs repainting.

I didnt actually read Tankman himself say those things but is it possible that he couldve been referring to a more movie accurate paint app, in terms of colours and detailing rather than a more "technically" better paint app...if you know what i mean?
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Just placed a preorder for all three with BBTS... It's my first time using BBTS. I find their prices too high usually, but they seem to be the cheapest for this item. Anyone see a better price anywhere?
AmiAmi is certainly more...
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

I didnt actually read Tankman himself say those things but is it possible that he couldve been referring to a more movie accurate paint app, in terms of colours and detailing rather than a more "technically" better paint app...if you know what i mean?

How much do you want to bet when your buddy comes over and sees the HT standing next to the Bigger better sculpted and yes better painted Predator he'll say how much did you pay? Wow 80 bucks? Not bad at all and then how much for this smaller toy like Predator? Now that would be funny I bet. Not to rip the HT Predator but come on do you really think the sculpt is great? Even the Paint isn't as good as the 169 bucks in my opinion. I do think it's cool though and as a Predator fan and glad I got it. Lets see how our figure will turn out.

He just said better....did he meant better technically, or better details and color wise....I don't know.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Talk about being dead on about things. Fans should be feeling so lucky this thing is even being made. To be honest I had come close to giving up on it and then just like that it'll be here in a few months. Talk about being geeked.

Thanks. Yeah, years and years ago I was the same way as some of the people who are upset now about having to get all 3 Preds for the different heads. Years ago I was upset about having to buy multiple versions of figures to get it all.

But as I became more interested in the actual business and logistics behind making collectibles like this, my mind was opened and changed, as I learned about all of the costs and trials and tribulations involved in getting a figure from concept to the shelf. Until I learned these things, I had no idea how rough and costly it was to do the things that NECA does so well. Especially nowadays. The fact that you guys can produce this massive figure at this price point in this day and age is nothing short of amazing. In our time when companies are reducing the scale of thier figures to save on plastic costs, or raising the prices by almost 40%, Neca still manages to give us awesome figures for some of the best prices and value in the industry.

A few months ago at TRU I found the Cult Classics FvJ Jason figure. He was only $10, brand new! On the next shelf over? Much smaller Marvel, Star Wars and Batman figures for $8-$12 a piece. How you guys managed to get that awesome hunk of plastic to $10, while other companies charge the same for 1/4 the amount of figure, I'll never know, but I love it. And not only that, but these are specialty collector's figures, marketed towards a much smaller audience.

I know I've said it over and over, but it bears repeating: When it comes to collectible figures of characters from film, videogames and everything else, NECA has set the bar so high in terms for sculpting, accuracy, value, availability, and cost, no one else really compares.

Years ago when there were compainies like McFarlane, Mezco, SOTA and the like giving you competition, NECA was still the tops. Now with most of those companies either shifted focus away from these types of figures, or defunct, NECA reigns as king. When a new movie or videogame is announced, everyone knows if it will be getting affordable and awesome figures, the only company that can handle the job and step up to the job is NECA. And even then you guys haven't gotten complacent in your supremacy, every year you push the boundaries of sculpt, articulation and paint higher and higher and still keep costs to customers down, and value up. I think this 1/4 Pred is pretty much the ultimate example of that.