NECA 1/4 scale predator

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Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Hard to say for sure, but it looks like he's got some overlap at the belt line going like the Toy Fair model.


not sure if anyone has mentioned this, but judging from this photo, it seems that the body netting isnt actually a full body net suit.
if you look, you can see it ends at the elbow area and kind of fades into a sculpted netting towards his wrist gauntlet(which most likely means the gauntlet is not removable/pose-able like the HTs P1 gauntlet and other armour pieces :()
also, it seems to stop at his waist, start again at his groin area, and stop again at his knees.

i was kind of hoping for a full body net suit but i suppose it isnt too bad.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Yeah it starting to look more and more like the same old ____ neca pulls on us and not even giving us some photos after all this time shows me that nothing is going to change they arent listening and its going to be B grad instead of A grade like it could be. The netting is all wrong and it looks like it the same old roaring leg pose that doesent give us much choice when it comes to posing it like all the others in this series. and Im really hoping that the diamond pattern of the netting isnt going to be left on and real plastic netting just placed over it or its going to make it really hart to get a good look when customizing it. I was really hoping that they might make this the best pred in the range but it looking more and more like its just been up scaled from the smaller version and only the heads have been changes slightly. If they charged us another 50 or 100 for a single pred with a couple of heads that had great paint and fabric netting it would be awesome but that not the way its going I fear. I know neca and this is probably going to be another example of them blaming the new factory if things dont turn out right but they will do nothing to really change it when they could have. its a real bloody shame but I havent lost all hope just yet there is still time. I really think they want to do things right on this one so maybe that photo isnt the final sculpt and they will alter it and rescan it before the final molds are made and production starts but then again production could have already started and it too late. this could be a golden opportunity for neca and pred fans so ill be mightily pissed if things go the way I think they are going to go based on my experience with neca products and production. and I hope they give it newer style joints as well because the old ones on many figures were a pain in the arse because they locked up because of poor molding material and the maybe the fact that paint hadnt dried and that locked the knees and elbows up and other parts too but its a fairly easy fix on some of them but it would be good if the fixed those minor problems to start with so we didn't have the potential to break them. I dont have that problem but the majority out there probably dont have the skills and techniques all worked out to deal with stuff like that.
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Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Have to say I'm mystified as to exactly what were you expecting to be able to discern from these photos. Its just a rough test, they haven't finalised anything! How exactly can you determine at this early stage that they haven't listened?
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

@ fortnox

dont get me wrong, i still think this figure is going to be awesome.
you cant really complain when it only costs like £50-£70.
I dont know about you but im sure i will be happy enough with this piece once i get it.
We cant yet fully judge it either until we see more pictures or have the figure in hand.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Have to say I'm mystified as to exactly what were you expecting to be able to discern from these photos. Its just a rough test, they haven't finalised anything! How exactly can you determine at this early stage that they haven't listened?

:exactly: yup!
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Sweet lord, Fortnox. Cool it. You're complaining about us getting psyched when we don't have final product photos, yet you bash the unpainted proto shots! :lol

Seriously, dude. Take a break and look at the facts. We've got four to five months until we'll really see what this guy looks like. So far, the sculpt looks great. The netting isn't accurate, but that's it. And who's to say it won't get fixed? As far as we could tell from Tankman, they're still planning it out and seeing how the different phases look.

Their 18-inchers have been major improvements over the smaller versions in the past, and look, we already have proof of that now. The love handles are back, and those were missing on the 7" Classic.

And one more thing... it's a NECA figure. Which means you can choose what pose you want. Ball-jointed head. Ball-jointed shoulders. Ball-jointed elbows. Cut-jointed hips and ball-jointed knees. And that's not all of it. If you know anything about the 7" Classic, you'd know there's enough articulation to get more than one pose. Stop complaining about the crouching roaring pose when you can change it once you actually have it.

Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

adev you get mystified allot around here by the sound of it but I cant help you out with that. i think you should read more and worry about your post count less because ive said lots about what youre saying and you cant read that for some reason. read back through my posts if you care so much about what im saying because it would save all the misunderstanding you have about where im at and where im coming from alright
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Sweet lord, Fortnox. Cool it. You're complaining about us getting psyched when we don't have final product photos, yet you bash the unpainted proto shots! :lol

Seriously, dude. Take a break and look at the facts. We've got four to five months until we'll really see what this guy looks like. So far, the sculpt looks great. The netting isn't accurate, but that's it. And who's to say it won't get fixed? As far as we could tell from Tankman, they're still planning it out and seeing how the different phases look.

Their 18-inchers have been major improvements over the smaller versions in the past, and look, we already have proof of that now. The love handles are back, and those were missing on the 7" Classic.

And one more thing... it's a NECA figure. Which means you can choose what pose you want. Ball-jointed head. Ball-jointed shoulders. Ball-jointed elbows. Cut-jointed hips and ball-jointed knees. And that's not all of it. If you know anything about the 7" Classic, you'd know there's enough articulation to get more than one pose.

you must be new so i wont bother answering you and cut the clichés because they arent amusing or informative in any way to me at all. Read more of what i say if you feel the need to comment on what ive said and worry about being cool yourself because im chill as chill can be. Dont go all gang postal on me because its not going to work when you ignore everything before commenting. Chill out dude.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

You get mystified allot around here by the sound of it but I cant help you out with that. i think you should read more and worry about your post count less because ive said lots about what youre saying and you cant read that for some reason. read back through my posts if you care so much about what im saying because it would save all the misunderstanding you have about where im at and where im coming from alright

yeah, you want better quality at a higher price, right?
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Fortnox, Fortnox, Fortnox... Look at my join date. New? Sure. My guess is you're speaking this way because you're likely someone who's gotten banned before and came back for more.

Oh, and I noticed something about the sculpted netting on the left lower arm. Look at the knees. The netting tucks underneath the thigh area. My guess is they'll do that with the left bicep, which is why they have to sculpt netting on the lower arm -- because there won't be netting in that area, since the best place to end it would be to tuck it under the upper arm. Lookity, I managed to discern more from these photos than you did. :D

Do more research before criticizing something that isn't even a prototype yet.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

You get mystified allot around here by the sound of it but I cant help you out with that. i think you should read more and worry about your post count less because ive said lots about what youre saying and you cant read that for some reason. read back through my posts if you care so much about what im saying because it would save all the misunderstanding you have about where im at and where im coming from alright

I get mystified by people like you coming out of nowhere and picking fights with everyone thats whats. Jesus Christ man I have no problem with anyones opinion as long as they express it with a bit of calm and tact - you've been on a warpath since you joined, here and in the berserker thread. And for what? It would have been just as easy to get along with people here.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

new to the planet too by the sound of it. Chill out and save it Blade whatever.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

I get mystified by people like you coming out of nowhere and picking fights with everyone thats whats. Jesus Christ man I have no problem with anyones opinion as long as they express it with a bit of calm and tact - you've been on a warpath since you joined, here and in the berserker thread. And for what? It would have been just as easy to get along with people here.

im not picking fights at all but youre doing your best to instigate one with me. Pick a fight with yourself and dont follow me around then. i know the little gang thing you got going on here and its just silly . cut through the bull____ and open your mind because there are people that have lived and learned with neca etc.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

a-dev, he's totally a troll. Accuses us of not being able to read, yet can't look at our join dates.

@Fortnox: Selectiv/Fortnox, we've missed you. And you'll get banned again. And again. What I don't understand is someone who keeps coming back. You bored, bro?
By the way, a-dev has fought on NECA's side more than once in many threads, and both he and I know NECA. We know they have issues. But they do have good sculpts and potential. And with Tankman and a new company, we might get something exceptionally good every now and then. This could be one of those times.

Last thing I'll say to you is this: "gang"?

Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Has anyone ever done that pose with the Hot Toys version? I haven't the faintest idea what the articulation is like on them. Nearly everyones collection I see them standing straight.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Has anyone ever done that pose with the Hot Toys version? I haven't the faintest idea what the articulation is like on them. Nearly everyones collection I see them standing straight.

The HT P1 can do some pretty deep squats. Here's one of wookster's shots:


Think he can go even deeper, too. One thing's certain -- with HT, you'll get great poseability. The bodies have many helpful joints, so the only thing standing in their way is hindering armor, and the P1 doesn't have that issue.

He's too eloquent to be Selectiv.

Okay, Bronsson then. Either way, he's clearly someone who's been here before. I find it hard to believe we're having an epidemic of aggressive, overly-confident, and ill-informed newbies all of a sudden.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

____ your join date blade im talking about the crap youre speaking about me and the way you cant even understand the situation. And save the stupid name game and calling me a troll crap please. Save your brain for things that you can deal with and worry about what neca is going to give us at the end of all this. I hope im wrong about some things and we end up getting the best P1s because there are a lot of old neca fans out there that have been waiting for this for a long long time and it will be a bit disappointing but not unexpected if things go the way they usually do with them.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Has anyone ever done that pose with the Hot Toys version? I haven't the faintest idea what the articulation is like on them. Nearly everyones collection I see them standing straight.

I did it when I first got him but had to change it because he wouldve most likely have fallen over if even walked too heavily in my room.

@ fortnox, have you ever came across a user named bronsson by any chance?
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Well calling people idiots in the Berserker thread seemed like a good way to pick a fight to me :dunno

i know the little gang thing you got going on here and its just silly.

Little gang thing? Have you got anything else you can pull from your backside?

By the way, a-dev has fought on NECA's side more than once in many threads, and both he and I know NECA. We know they have issues.

Thats the thing, he collects toys, I collect toys, we all collect toys. I'm sure theres many things we agree on and don't know it.