I will say Why I thought Predators sucked
first, lets look at the preds body counts
Predator 1: he took Dutch's entire team and then the butchered people the team found at the beginning, so that technically counts too
Predator 2: took out the bad guys from the beginning, then the Jamaican bad guys, took out the entire team that was trying to capture him, ( i dont know how many in number exactly but they were a lot, he killed a bunch of people)
AVP: Is hard to remember but, Chopper 0, I think Celtic killed one guy? Scar killed some aliens, the Queen(with help)
AVPR: killed a bunch of Aliens, Some Humans
Predators... Tracker,2 i think Falconer 1, Berserker, Did Berserker kill all the other ones? Trejo? and Mombasa?
well, lets say Berserker....4 plus classic
So if you look at it that way, the super preds are almost like the AVP young preds, that's what kills me about this movie, This movie could have been really great, the Preds looked Great, they were mean and cold, Berserker is one mean Mother..
BUT, the movie spends 40 minutes with people talking, then send the dogs (Why would preds need dogs to hunt WTF? thats a human concept that really pissed me off) then inside the ship talking, the action really starts when is too late, at the end

Grace, I really wish they hired someone with more balls, All I see when I see his is that skinny dude from the 70s show, but more whinny,
I wish they did the character more like Dexter, not the same but, The part of Grace could have easily been given to a child or something, he posed no treat, same with Stans
the movie just got boring fast, and the good parts Did not last long enough, I was left wanting more, I honestly think Berserker deserved better, he should have kicked so much butt,

I liked the movie I didnt completely hated it, but, It is proven Time and Time again than More than one predator is a failure, the other preds just go to waste
to Quote someone from IMDB:
"The Super Predators are like Rednecks that suck at hunting"