I know Sigourney Weaver is a successful, respected actress and all, but does she really need to have a bio four times as long as any of the other guests?A bit off topic.. but guess who's coming to my City's Comic Con!?
The ALIENS cast!! Michael Biehn, Jenette Goldstein, Carrie Henn, Lance Henriksen, Bill Paxton, and Sigourney Weaver !!
I cant believe how awesome this is, soo stoked for this show
I know Sigourney Weaver is a successful, respected actress and all, but does she really need to have a bio four times as long as any of the other guests?
A bit off topic.. but guess who's coming to my City's Comic Con!?
The ALIENS cast!! Michael Biehn, Jenette Goldstein, Carrie Henn, Lance Henriksen, Bill Paxton, and Sigourney Weaver !!
I cant believe how awesome this is, soo stoked for this show
I 2nd that, broTruly a great year for all the alien fans . So excited to see what's next
It will make zero financial sense for me to shoe-horn this in...but how can I not?! This could be a once in a lifetime thing so I am currently looking into the logistics. With that lineup PLUS Bruce Campbell...just wow.
Hey folks - quick question.
What (if any) differences are there, between the new ALIEN figure with the smokey white dome, & the one from a couple years back - as in this one:
I own ^ this ^ one, & saw that new one in store the other day.
If the new one is better in some way, some input would be appreciated.
Thanks ocielz!
I'm not up to speed on the alien warriors though.. what are the articulation upgrades exactly, compared to mine (above)?
Hey folks - quick question.
What (if any) differences are there, between the new ALIEN figure with the smokey white dome, & the one from a couple years back - as in this one:
I own ^ this ^ one, & saw that new one in store the other day.
If the new one is better in some way, some input would be appreciated.
Yeah I just picked up tickets (outside of the expos) for and Aliens Exposed panel q ad a typ thing, after the con on saturday night, Cannot wait
pg 332 of this thread has my side-by-sides
Had to buy mine online (and Saturday is sold out) but its all good. I have the EXPOsed (3rd row) Saturday and all day Sunday at the con to make a little mini dream vacation. The wifey gave a tepid "ok" back when she thought I would'nt actually go. Now that its official she is a bit PO'd! Oh well. Could be once in a lifetime lineup.
youre coming up to cow town? awesome man, agreed, I dont know if or when ill ever get to see them all in one shot, now I need to go get another hicks and hudson to get signed![]()