April 11th now. Been delayed a couple times but its near..
Remember toys don't have hard dates like games and movies do. Any date on NECA's calendar is just when the product is expected at their warehouse.
thats a sweet custom.Word. The first time they posted the date I believe it was October!!! So yeah...def taken with a grain of salt. I am real hopeful April works out this time though. I cannibalized my Hudson to make other customs and need yet another helmet to finish Frost.
In the meantime, this is my Apone. It pales in comparison to Nick-A-Tron's Apone, which is the gold standard. I am satisfied with my head choice though. I think when I resculpt the VP holster it will come together better.
That sir. Is incredible. Very well done!
X-mas come early this year[...]
July is 3 months away!
X-mas come early this year
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+1[...] After the death of a family member it must be hard so I guess delays are ok as he needs time to grieve.
I hope in a 18" alien warrior from Aliens and Dog Alien from Alien 3...