NECA: Alien Movie Franchise Figures

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Just bringing the pic over from the previous page. :hi5:
Hudson: "Hey, maybe you haven't been keeping up on current events, but we just got our ***** kicked, pal!"

Hudson is looking great!! :yess:
That looks fantastic! Great headsculpt!....although I hope theres an alternate head with a less panicked expression! :lol Maybe that will be the helmeted head.

The rest of it is stunning. So its to be Hicks and Hudson to start with.
I'm not complaining...but I was REALLY hoping NECA would unveil an ALIEN3 figure at SDCC. :gah:
Hudson is their best sculpt/figure yet, but I know Hicks will blow people's minds! The marines, especially Cpl. Hicks, is a dream come true! Also, their Prometheus figures kick ass. I hope at comic-con they show Hicks even though they have been down playing his appearance! now all we need is Apone and the two smart gunners: Drake and Vasquez
Hudson looks awesome.
It would be cool if he comes with a second, not scared, helmeted Head.
That looks really cool! Why couldn't Hot Toys do that? Does anyone know what scale this is going to be in? About the same size as the McFarlane Hicks? I hope they make an 18" ALIENS WARRIOR also.
Yes, a 22" Warrior was so cool.
I hope the new articulation is not to vissible.
Which Human Charakters are planned ?

A battle dameged Bishop was cool too.
For me, good old Hudson has been the best part of all the things seen at SDCC today. That and the Kenner Alien announcement.

The Terminator figures look like crap, especially Reese sad to say. I'm disappointed with them. Hudson here though looks fantastic. I will definitely buy him. I just hope the actual production version survives the production process, especially the pain apps.

It looks JUST like Hudson/Bill Paxton.

I hope Hot Toys sees these.

@a-dev, what you mean ?
Are you not interessted on an 22" Alien Warrior ?

@DiFabio, your right, the Terminatot Wave are a big disapointment.
BD T-800 are not bad, but it coild be better.
Resse Facesculpt is not good-looks Hudson this is nice.
And the frozen T-1000 is not movie acurate and therefore useless.

The 1/4 Prototyps without paint and netting are not saying much.

Dutch was cool and the big Surprise at the Comic con.
Are Neca resculpted the face ?
Looks different.
Still a few modifications on the nose tip, the ears,the chin and the sculpt is good enough for an 18" Dutch ore any Terminator.