That's a nice pic! Cool lighting really makes them look like a set, highlights and shows of the differences in the sculpts. Making me consider reorganising mine.
pity that Lambert has no normal face to wear with the helmet on, just some screaming pig face. she's ugly but not that much.
I thought that was an odd choice aswell. I think if anything I would have made the uncovered headsculpt the one with the panic-face.
I thought this too, the likeness of the distressed face doesn't look too great so far. Although I'm grateful they are giving us expressions, it's difficult I'm sure to capture and retain likeness.
As I've said before, an expression accessory pack, of heads for all the figures would be truly awesome. And thinking about it, with the advent of this new NECA Alien Club, surely more doable. Because obviously such a thing would be too specialist for retail, especially when many of the figures might be/are not readily available to complement it.
In the meantime, I'm thinking it shouldn't be too difficult to mod the neutral head into a hooded one.
Funny how also today when a fan tweeted out how one earth NECA could top the Queen figure while showing their red and blue black queen figures, Randy said we will find a way.
Curious, what on earth could top their Queen figure in the Alien line ?
a queen in a nest, with an egg layer.
no other ideas.
That would be the only thing to top it, a proper hive diorama piece.
This remains the ultimate. Obvious difficulties apply. Not least that not only is the egg sack huge! But it's also intrinsically supported by the structure from which it hangs. Meaning that would also need to be replicated/produced to some degree. Clear supportive stands underneath would be a compromise, and I'd happily work out my own way of replicating the slimy webbing/structure from the film if it meant we got the sack. The queen herself would require upgrades. Her arms and legs can't achieve the necessary angles to properly replicate her dormant, and perched look, respectively. There's also all the spines/ribs that are behind her. Of which I'm not even sure how, and to what, they are actually attached.
All that said, as for it being the "reward exclusive", absolutely no way! All that tooling, they'd have to make it available to all, they'd be doing themselves out of mega sales, and not recouping the costs. And driving those not in the program insane!
I really hope it happens somehow. It's a big investment on they're part, but I'm sure people would fork out for it. I believe the fact that it's never been done (comercially), and the sheer coolness factor alone would transcend merely action figure collectors.
I'm guessing he's probably talking about their take on the Kenner flying queen. He's alluded to it in the past.
Urgh, that would be a disappointing "reward". I just can't get onboard with the Kenner stuff. I must admit, seeing them in package does bring back a strong sense of nostalgia, but as someone here said once, they were only ever a substitute for the realistic figures we really wanted.
My favorites were always the more realistic looking ones, mostly the black warrior from the versus predator 2 pack. The Scorpion was cool, for the gimmick, and looked like the movie warrior. The Queen action figure also looked quite accurate, albeit a stubby version (the Queen from the Hive set being very accurate, but more a statue than an action figure).
For the flying Queen, mostly I don't care to much for the punk mohawk looking design of the head. I think only the sheer scale of something like that might impress.
A more realistic take might look like this (and be oddly in tune with their current comic crossover modus):

But then it wouldn't be Kenner. (And still not something I'd be interested enough to buy, because I'm more of a movie canon purist.)
My biggest gripe with Neca's Kenner line is not that it's not canon, but that it focuses most on replicating the original figures, warts and all, rather than the concept of the figures.
It's not a criticism, because I know that was their intent, and they've achieved that. I'd just hoped that it might be more of a reimagining of the idea. Creating Gorilla, Mantis aliens, and so forth, but realising them more realistically, in design terms, colours etc. But as I say, I understand that was never the intention, nostalgia was, so fair enough, just not for me.
how can an avp dinosaur top anything, especially the original queen?
Agree. The more I see that version, the more dumbed down it looks. Practicalities for CGI work most likely.
NECA @NECA_TOYS 3h3 hours ago
NECA Retweeted Katie Vollbrecht
Chances are good you'll see another version
NECA added,
Katie Vollbrecht @katielyn1027
@NECA_TOYS did vasquez do well enough to get a pulse rifle version ?
11 replies 4 retweets 45 likes
Looks like a Ops Vasquez is in the works
Just spotted this too! Sweet! I was hopeful this would happen, single use of that new tooling seemed unlikely.