NECA: Alien Movie Franchise Figures

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I don't expect they'll make any humans from Covenant unless they learn that audiences respond really well to any particular character in the movie and even then I wouldn't be sure.
New and Improved by scarrviper, on Flickr

Had the chance to pick this set up tonight locally. I'll try to get some comparison pics done tomorrow with the the series one versions.

My first impressions of this set are good. They do feel like they are made from better plastic than the originals, and the fleshtone plastic looks far better than the painted skin of the originals. The only negative I see are the eyes are not painted the best (all the ones I saw at the store had at eye issues). I will try to touch them up tomorrow. I will say that the eyes are not nearly as bad as they were with the original releases. Do watch the paint on these. One set had Hudson's name printed way off center on the armor. Another big difference I see is the material used for the straps on the accessories. It is very flexible and almost gummy feeling. I may try replacing them like I did with Ripley's weapons.

I's say overall these are a vast improvement and if you missed the originals than this set is for you.

Thanks for posting that, the set looks great to me! I have the originals, but will be getting this set to replace em out for sure.
Anyone have issue with the Xeno bashing its head against the glass of the ship? That kinda took me out of the excitment.

It does seem odd in terms of Alien, but then that creature never really had cause to display this behaviour.

But then, when you think Aliens:

And this:
It's NECA. There'll be zero humans from them. Humans from the original films are longshots.
Why do you say that? They have made more human characters with likeness from the Alien films than I believe any other company, even prometheus.

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I got my set in today from TRU. I was originally planning to wait until this was in store so I could pick out the one with the best paint, but when Paxton died I felt I shouldn't hesitate and get it now. If I found them in the store, I'd look them over to see if I can find one with better paint, and simply take back for a refund on the first set.
The paint is actually great on this set! the only head I feel could be painted better is the shouting Hicks, the two un-helmeted heads look fantastic and exactly like Michael Biehn and Bill Paxton. The helmeted Hudson has a week likeness to Paxton but still is painted well. The helmeted Hicks looks like Biehn but the right eye could be painted better.
The rest of the figures, the camouflage, graffiti and tattoos are painted perfectly and the skin is cast in color as opposed to the first releases. Edit: I noticed the silver weathering on the weapons is very stark and looks like painted silver lines, If I have a complaint, it's that the weathering on the weapons is sh--.
I'd love to open these but I already have the first two-pack Hicks and Hudson with Xenos opened so I'm a little hesitant.
I took these outside to get the best light. Also, right click and view these images individually and they'll embiggen to their original (cropped) size.
NECA Hicks Hudson V2 001.jpg
NECA Hicks Hudson V2 002.jpg
NECA Hicks Hudson V2 003.jpg

Except for the paint on the weapons, these figures are much improved on the previous releases, Go get 'em!
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Given the price rising on single NECA figures over here of up to 50.00 AU I am finding it harder and harder to be all in on some of these waves. I don't know about anyone else here as international collectors but is anyone else finding it really hard to justify getting the newer Alien figures when they still have a lot of paint and QC issues to content with ?

The Queen will be a def buy from me when she comes out, but other than that from here on out I am going to have to be very ruthless in my picking and choosing with NECA.
Since i'm severely lacking in Alien 3 knowledge what is the significance again of the grey/brown dog alien?

Were there 2 colors in the movie?

Which is the movie accurate color?

Thank You
From the pics the new Hicks and Hudson two pack looks really good with the flesh colored plastic. I am getting tired of waiting on my PO from I may buy a second set to open and keep the Calendars set in the packaging, if they ever ship it that is...
Since i'm severely lacking in Alien 3 knowledge what is the significance again of the grey/brown dog alien?

Were there 2 colors in the movie?

Which is the movie accurate color?

Thank You

Brown is its standard color and the grey is supposed to represent when it gets covered in molten lead at the end of the movie.
I thought the grey was the color of the actual suit and brown is what it looked on screen due to lighting? Could be wrong, don't have either but do plan to get the grey. I like how much more detail comes through

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I thought the grey was the color of the actual suit and brown is what it looked on screen due to lighting? Could be wrong, don't have either but do plan to get the grey. I like how much more detail comes through

That's correct, they havn't done a molten lead version.

The Grey vs Brown though is quite indistinguishable on most, alot more so then neca's online pictures. So if ordering the grey online don't be surprised when you think you've received the brown.
I thought the grey was the color of the actual suit and brown is what it looked on screen due to lighting? Could be wrong, don't have either but do plan to get the grey. I like how much more detail comes through

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A lot of the images that show the suit in a 'greyish' color were actually pre-production shots before the suit was finalized. Alien3 was a constant evolving/changing production nightmare!

The NECA figure is actually more of a direct copy of the rod puppet than the suit.The rod puppet was painted in a multitude of brown tones,not greys.Even the fullsize suit paint reference made from the suit molds,which is on the Cinefex magazine cover, is made up of various brown tones,not grey tones.
Ah okay, hope that clears it up for jye4ever. After watching reviews the variant just seems like a lighter brown drybrushed in more areas than the brown version. Don't really see any grey, if anything a darker cream/ light brown.

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