Super Freak
The whole idea of there being an egg smuggled aboard the Sulaco, and then a facehugger gets loose, and then the facehugger somehow starts a fire that wrecks the whole ship to the point that the lifeboats are activated...
Eh, I always assumed the Queen managed to grab an egg before running out of the nursery and going after Ripley. There was enough in the room and even those coming out of the egg sack after it was damaged for her to do it. Ripley didnt see what the Queen was doing as she was busy running away with Newt to get to the elevator. Then, while Ripley was busy getting to the power loader and the Queen was chasing Newt under the walkway, as she was ripping up the grilling of the floor and reaching for Newt at the same time she stowed the egg away in a protective corner of the flooring.
Mind you, you have to also wonder how a huge Queen managed to hitch a ride all the way back to the Sulaco on the back of that dropship without Bishop or Ripley or the computer guidance knowing about the much added weight distribution, and even then how the Queen was able to cram herself into such a small freight elevator to begin with to get out of the nesting area.
Now I got a damn head ache