NECA: Alien Movie Franchise Figures

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I don't really like plastic effects of any kind, not in imports nor domestic, they never look right, for pics I prefer paper cutouts, cotton or good lighting.
I'm sure he was indeed referring to the human Bishop from the end of the film to go with the Weyland Yutani Commando. I'd love a Dillon figure. Clemens too but Dillon would be more likely.

I did actually :rotfl He's an interesting character for the short amount of time we see him, and his whole get up is pretty interesting too and you are right in that he would look good on the shelf surrounded by a squad of the commandos.

I think Dillon would be a good bet since he was one of the more prominent men in the third film and he had that cool fireman axe which would be a nice little accessory to have.

Other than that yeah, either him or Bishop 2 would be a safer bet to get from the third film if they decide to make more. Clemens would be a long shot at best along with the WY scientists.
Arsenal pack in package. No twist ties hopefully.

Danny McBride and Randy showing off the new xeno and packaving

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Cool. I like this style of packaging. Can't wait to see their Neomorph because it was creepy as **** in the film.

Randy just said no plans for human characters as well.
After seeing the movie I think I will be getting one too, and a white one too.

Incidentally, McBride was surprisingly one of the best characters in the movie :lol
Did they alter it in the final product? Because watching the previously posted video in slow mo, they 100% phase through the floor. It's easy enough to see in full speed. Even more apparent in slow motion.

Just saw the ALIEN COVENANT movie. *no spoilers*
They phased through the floor grating. Hhhhh..:slap

As a movie, it was OK. The audience was cringing through any birthing or death scene. I liked it and give it a solid B+/8.5 out of 10. :wink1:
As "ALIEN CANNON"....omg NO! :gah:
They devalued the xenomrphs in a similar fashion to the Engineers. (Don't even get me started on how dumb they made those poor bastards out to be)

To cut it short: I liked the movie, but not the plot as it crapped on the Alien Methos. I'll simply have to consider this similar to the AVP movies in that it's in its own separate reality away from the established Alien Quadrilogy. :dunno

I know what part bothers you about the alien mythos, but it honestly didn't bother me at all.
The fact that it all sort of comes full circle was interesting. In the end, who do we have to fear, but ourselves and our creations? It's the theme set up in Prometheus, and I like that despite this movie going full steam ahead into "alien" mode, it still has a lot of profound ideas being explored

I read some reviewer who said that it despite being a feature length apology for Prometheus, Alien Covenant ended up vindicating it, or something like that.
Anyway, I really liked it.
Don't think I'll be seeing it in the cinema. Everyone went to see it on the wrong day for me and now I'd have to go on my own which is not something I do. I won't have the patience to go unspoiled so I'll probably read everything.
Already released in many places, saw it Sunday.

Yeah no Covenant didn't devaluate the Alien mythos any more than Cameron already had.

Sadly it is somewhat comparable to AvP in the sense thay it has 2 dumb action scenes that it couls have done without, that's where the comparison ends and it's a compliment to AvP.
Already released in many places, saw it Sunday.

Yeah no Covenant didn't devaluate the Alien mythos any more than Cameron already had.

Sadly it is somewhat comparable to AvP in the sense thay it has 2 dumb action scenes that it couls have done without, that's where the comparison ends and it's a compliment to AvP.

They didn't elaborate on the whole Prometheus thing?? I use to hate Prometheus, but after things got sorted out a lil bit about what the **** was going on in the movie, I find it hard Not to like.
Sadly they did very little with the Engineers, the creation themes do carry over though, so in a way they did make use of what Prometheus askes.

And yeah it does quite improve Prometheus, I did not like it myself but I wan to revisit it now that I saw Covenant.
Seen the movie a couple of times now, got to say I really enjoyed it - easily 3Rd best movie in the franchise. Some people might prefer prometheus, and the people who didn't like prometheus in the first place probably won't find the new movie too much better.

Sad thing is that figure seems like a pre-final design compared to the movie xenomorph. I don't recall the shoulder blades being high like that or even separated from the shoulder, it's quite the eye sore actually... and I also don't think the back tubes were quite like that, hell I'm not even sure if it had 2 or the usual 4 tubes in the movie.

Obviously should have been paying more attention to the details - can anyone else confirm that's seen the movie?
The movie has been out since Thursday at my local cinema.
As for answers, there weren't any. Just more questions.

!* Spoilers ahead. Look away*!
Shaw didn't get her answers to the questions proposed in Prometheus.
Who laid those eggs?
Gestation period =0?
Airlock....AGAIN! See Alien 1, 2 & 4?
Did they just "Alien3" Shaw?
LV426 are we ever getting there?
T1000 Walter?
Chestburster or Mini-Xeno?
Lol....communication with an Alien!? Hahaha!
And the worst of all.."Idle hands". Really!?
LV426 are we ever getting there?
on LV426 there was an alien ship with a giant fossilized extraterrestrial creature as a pilot.


in Oldfart's movies there are small (compared to a pilot in Alien) human pilots with human DNA who made cosplay plastic suits looking like Alien pilots but having no functional organs.


how the hell do you want to add one to another? by replacing original alien with this crap? is your name Oldfart Scott or Jajuja Fan?

here fans at least try to divide them but accept both.