Super Freak
Hi All,
The thing I remember the most about POTA was seeing the gorilla's on horse back for the first time so I decided to do one on horse back in a relaxed pose but being vigilant.
Gorilla Soldier & Horse - is from NECA and he has had he's joints superglued then puttied up and then given a complete repaint, again I paid particluar attention to the face and eyes and gave him an open mouth by cutting his mouth open and then using AVES Fixit sculpt to sculpt the teeth. I also repainted the body and gave the outfit some subtle washes and drybrushing to bring out the details.
The horse is from a company called Breyer and is 1/12 scale and works pretty well with the 7" figures. This horse was all black so I decided to give it a brown colour and this was done by using Vallejo paints and pastels.
I made the saddle and bridle from left over pieces of lever and used small O-rings and 1/6 scale buckles for the rigging, the stirups were made using plasicard and the the then leather was used to make the holders.
The rifle bag was made using left over leather and the rope is some spare 1/6 scale rope I had in the bits box. The rolls were made using a old 1/6 scale German uniform and the straps were made using 1/6 German Y-straps.
Base - The base was first built up using left over pieces of high density foam and then plaster cloth was used to cover the foam. I then gave the plaster cloth a paint over using dark brwon paint and once that dried I used a mix of dirt and potty mix to use a ground cover.
Once the ground cover dried I gave it a wash of dark brown then once dry gave it a drybrush of light brown. The grass was done by using railway modellers static grass and was applied and left to dry and gave it a wash of medium green and the drybushed it light green once it dried.
The tall clumps of grass were done by going into he back yard and picking reall clumps of grass out of the ground, I then let it dry for about an hour then gave it a spray of dull coate and then gave it a wash of light green.
The smaller clumps of grass I used are from The Army Painter and the come as small clumps and all you have to do is pull them of the sheets and then attach them to the base using a small amount of superglue.
The thing I remember the most about POTA was seeing the gorilla's on horse back for the first time so I decided to do one on horse back in a relaxed pose but being vigilant.
Gorilla Soldier & Horse - is from NECA and he has had he's joints superglued then puttied up and then given a complete repaint, again I paid particluar attention to the face and eyes and gave him an open mouth by cutting his mouth open and then using AVES Fixit sculpt to sculpt the teeth. I also repainted the body and gave the outfit some subtle washes and drybrushing to bring out the details.
The horse is from a company called Breyer and is 1/12 scale and works pretty well with the 7" figures. This horse was all black so I decided to give it a brown colour and this was done by using Vallejo paints and pastels.
I made the saddle and bridle from left over pieces of lever and used small O-rings and 1/6 scale buckles for the rigging, the stirups were made using plasicard and the the then leather was used to make the holders.
The rifle bag was made using left over leather and the rope is some spare 1/6 scale rope I had in the bits box. The rolls were made using a old 1/6 scale German uniform and the straps were made using 1/6 German Y-straps.
Base - The base was first built up using left over pieces of high density foam and then plaster cloth was used to cover the foam. I then gave the plaster cloth a paint over using dark brwon paint and once that dried I used a mix of dirt and potty mix to use a ground cover.
Once the ground cover dried I gave it a wash of dark brown then once dry gave it a drybrush of light brown. The grass was done by using railway modellers static grass and was applied and left to dry and gave it a wash of medium green and the drybushed it light green once it dried.
The tall clumps of grass were done by going into he back yard and picking reall clumps of grass out of the ground, I then let it dry for about an hour then gave it a spray of dull coate and then gave it a wash of light green.
The smaller clumps of grass I used are from The Army Painter and the come as small clumps and all you have to do is pull them of the sheets and then attach them to the base using a small amount of superglue.

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