I agree. However, the more I look at the the first Zaius, the less I like it. Those bangs really throw it off! If I had top choose, I think I favor the second version... by just a hair.
I really want them to knock the next Zaius sculpt out of the ball park. But with what figure? The 7" Zaius from Beneath? The 8" Mego-style Zaius? Or a 1/4 scale Zaius?
I'm pulling for the latter.
BTW... Your Zaius head looks GREAT, Jess!
Why is it always Dr Zaius?
Thanks Jessica.
Wow Matt, your bandolier look great. Did you also redo the straps on the backpack? The color matches exactly.
Does anyone have an idea on when series 3 comes out? I plan on buying a case, I know the Gorilla in red jumpsuit is going to be very popular.
I bought the Dawn figures for the kids and I can say that the POTA original have a lot more points of articulation. We are getting much love from Neca with this line.
Sallah, I loved your video, great job!!!
I am happy with whatever Neca decides to do with the classic line. At this point I think Neca tested the waters first with the 8" Taylor figure, maybe if sales are good they will proceed with a 7" version? Probably too early on there end to tell yet though.? Julius in Series 3 is a real welcome surprise, kind of surprised with that choice but very happy never the less. Just hope it sells well. There is a lot of 7" figures that could pass off as ape captives, Art Asylum's Star Trek line, astronaut from Tim Burton movie, Neca's Alien line, just to name a few. I say bring on all the different ape variants they want to offer and worry about the humans later..