Looking awesome hemble! Do you use woodland scenics products for your footage or other stuff??? Can't wait to see the rest of the photos tomorrow!
Simply amazing Hemble! Thanks for sharing the stuff you used. I love the bases you create there so realistic it's insane! Have you ever though of doing a large scale model?
I agree I don't understand NECA's bad sales on the classic apes line? Every toysrus has a few Zaius's if any. I see more of there Simpson's figures sitting on the shelves then the POTA figures but that's what I see. Seeing series 3 I can bet it these figures won't linger on the shelves long, whenever they come out that is.I still feel like its a marketing ploy. Fear mongering more sales. I haven't seen Apes on shelves since series 1. Which tells me the cases bought by stores are selling off, or stores are buying small amounts of cases. They so have price tags for them, so its not like they haven't been in stores around me.
If next monday isn't either a new character, I won't be worried. Now, if there aren't any apes at SDCC, the I will know its truley doomed.
I'm a 26 year old hardcore Ape fan. I grew up with classics films at my grandparents house.