I can't see NECA spending all the time, money and effort to get to any human characters when this line is probably on it's last legs. What we are getting are some clever variants with reused and repainted parts, though none beyond the next 3 are guaranteed. I'm sure Randy and the crew would love to keep this going but they need retailers to step up and the sales numbers just probably aren't there.
So now we will have no classic astronaut with out classic line. Makes sense.I thought the reason why they did a Taylor in the retro style is that the old MEGO line never had a decent astronaut to go with the Apes... now they do.
But I always thought we would get a Taylor to go with the regular line... eventually.
Guess not.
I totally agree. No toy company has EVER made a conquest orangutan! Medicom only made vinyl figures for the chimp and gorilla... it would be historic!
However, if there is to be another 3 pack, we might need that orangutan to help boost multiple sales.
I really hope that S3 sells enough... whatever that number might be. I would hate to see this line die so soon.
Meanwhile, their Predator line celebrates it's 14th wave!
I plan on buying 2 3 packs. The Second Aldo will get a face repaint.
I just want this line to strive. The possibilites are endless.
We could have a mini wavr of kid Orangoutangs, Gorillas, and Chimps. Suited Zira and Cornelias from Escape Planet of the Apes. Dr. Chimps, background Apes, Background Humans with swap out heads.
Bleeding Lawgiver.
Nova and a Horse with Bright Eyes.
Surgery Astornaught.
Mummified Astronaught.
Female Chimps. I could go on and on.
I think the issue is, Neca supporters only want Aliens, Predators, and Terminator. At this point, as long as I get everything thats been shown, I'll be happy. It would kill me to see things I can't ever own.