Like NECA, Sideshow developed quite a few figures in 2004 thinking they had a sleeper line on their hands. Some say that they actually choked the line with too many figures all at the same time, especially with their assortment of Taylors... flooding the market. In a span of only a few months, Sideshow had unveiled 10 POTA figures (each with large edition sizes) and a Lawgiver Statue companion piece. This is a practice that they no longer utilize. Now with their 12" lines they wait months between releases.
As for pictures, I haven't taken new ones for about a year now. At the risk of reposting pictures that have previously graced this forum, I offer these for our perusal. It's not much of a collection, but it's mine.
Here's pictures from my man cave/computer room, where I'm typing this very posting:
Three shelves of Sideshow figures (they currently have more NECA figures on them now:
My Hot Toys Gorillas (I sold that Michael Jackson Thriller figure and added my Threezero Game of Thrones figures):
My Hasbro Prototype/Test Shot Ape Collection (along with my 12" Firefly customs... look at all of the
My two Don Post masks that I've owned for nearly 40 years:
My signed Mutant Jailor and Lawgiver statue (the NECA lawgiver statue stands next to it now):
My lone Mego on display. The rest are in storage: