Lord Freezer
Super Freak
I would like to see the masked 1987 predator!
It should be very easy to do it yourself at least. If we ever make a big one I think I'll try harder to get them on the figure fingers crossed. The Elder is missing two things also but the figure does look so very cool. The dreads came out ever better than I thought they would.
not even an empty peg? TRU generally only gets one or two cases of these things and they're long gone in a couple days. you might have just missed them.Checked mine last night and didnt see S2 either...lame.
no kidding. i can already imagine the s#!t storm that will erupt when Series 3 comes out and vanishes the same day. not even specialty/comic shops are getting these. you're stuck with TRU or you hope to get lucky and score a set on the internet/ebay and pay through the nose for them.I went to my TRU yesterday searching for the Preds.. I asked a guy who worked there, he said they sold out in two days and weren't getting anymoreI don't understand why they don't get more (or why NECA doesn't make more..) when they sell out that fast.. It's sad, they literally had every toy from every movie there..
Yeah with how popular the Masked P1 and Elder are going to be, and the army-building potential of the Hound, series 3 is sure to sell out very quickly. I really hope they increase the production numbers for series 3, the demand is definitely there. Hell, I'd preorder a whole case of them right now if I could!
Exactly, every figure in the wave is either highly demanded, a must have, or one everyone will be buying multiples of. You know how Berserker is kind of the peg warmer for series 1 and 2? (and by pegwarmer I mean not selling out within 5 minutes of being put on the shelf!) I can't see any of series 3 figures doing that, every single one is a gauranteed seller.
And I also agree, an extra 3 of 4 cases would have sold out just as easily as the 1 or 2 cases sent to stores. The demand is there, and these guys are like a liscence to print money...
that could be it. Series 3 will be out in a couple months and they still haven't announced a 4th series.Yeah, instead of selling out in 5 minutes, he sold out in 10
I guess it would take too long to produce that many cases, and thus we wouldn't get figures as soon. Of course, after series 3 when no new preds other than a few oddball things are coming out, they could come back and revisit 1, 2 and 3 and deliver some more to stores.
neca is suposed to reveal something big tomarrow, maybe it's a 19 in. predator 1