NECA: Predator Movie Franchise Figures

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It should be very easy to do it yourself at least. If we ever make a big one I think I'll try harder to get them on the figure fingers crossed. The Elder is missing two things also but the figure does look so very cool. The dreads came out ever better than I thought they would.

what two things is elder missing?
Checked mine last night and didnt see S2 either...lame.
not even an empty peg? TRU generally only gets one or two cases of these things and they're long gone in a couple days. you might have just missed them.
I went to my TRU yesterday searching for the Preds.. I asked a guy who worked there, he said they sold out in two days and weren't getting anymore :thud: I don't understand why they don't get more (or why NECA doesn't make more..) when they sell out that fast.. It's sad, they literally had every toy from every movie there..
I went to my TRU yesterday searching for the Preds.. I asked a guy who worked there, he said they sold out in two days and weren't getting anymore :thud: I don't understand why they don't get more (or why NECA doesn't make more..) when they sell out that fast.. It's sad, they literally had every toy from every movie there..
no kidding. i can already imagine the s#!t storm that will erupt when Series 3 comes out and vanishes the same day. not even specialty/comic shops are getting these. you're stuck with TRU or you hope to get lucky and score a set on the internet/ebay and pay through the nose for them.
My TRU definitely hasn't even gotten them yet. And with these cracked tusk issues, I'm sure as hell not ordering online.
Yeah with how popular the Masked P1 and Elder are going to be, and the army-building potential of the Hound, series 3 is sure to sell out very quickly. I really hope they increase the production numbers for series 3, the demand is definitely there. Hell, I'd preorder a whole case of them right now if I could!
Yeah with how popular the Masked P1 and Elder are going to be, and the army-building potential of the Hound, series 3 is sure to sell out very quickly. I really hope they increase the production numbers for series 3, the demand is definitely there. Hell, I'd preorder a whole case of them right now if I could!

They apparently take long to make, and they're obviously making a good profit since they see no need to ship out more than 2 cases to each toys r us, so they don't feel the need to ship out more. Honestly I think each toys r us could have had 4 more cases of series 1 back in july, and now seeing how fast they are still selling out 4 more cases would probably be good now too. Series 3 will probably be the series nobody ever sees;...

The elder; that's an obscure pred done ONCE in toy form, and it wasn't very accurate that time it was done.

The masked p1; it's the _____ing masked p1! The most iconic predator of them all!

The hound; everybody is going to need at least two of that thing. I wouldn't be surprised to see people who have three or four of them to put with the tracker.
Exactly, every figure in the wave is either highly demanded, a must have, or one everyone will be buying multiples of. You know how Berserker is kind of the peg warmer for series 1 and 2? (and by pegwarmer I mean not selling out within 5 minutes of being put on the shelf!) I can't see any of series 3 figures doing that, every single one is a gauranteed seller.

And I also agree, an extra 3 of 4 cases would have sold out just as easily as the 1 or 2 cases sent to stores. The demand is there, and these guys are like a liscence to print money...
Exactly, every figure in the wave is either highly demanded, a must have, or one everyone will be buying multiples of. You know how Berserker is kind of the peg warmer for series 1 and 2? (and by pegwarmer I mean not selling out within 5 minutes of being put on the shelf!) I can't see any of series 3 figures doing that, every single one is a gauranteed seller.

And I also agree, an extra 3 of 4 cases would have sold out just as easily as the 1 or 2 cases sent to stores. The demand is there, and these guys are like a liscence to print money...

Yeah, instead of selling out in 5 minutes, he sold out in 10 :rotfl

I guess it would take too long to produce that many cases, and thus we wouldn't get figures as soon. Of course, after series 3 when no new preds other than a few oddball things are coming out, they could come back and revisit 1, 2 and 3 and deliver some more to stores.
Yeah, instead of selling out in 5 minutes, he sold out in 10 :rotfl

I guess it would take too long to produce that many cases, and thus we wouldn't get figures as soon. Of course, after series 3 when no new preds other than a few oddball things are coming out, they could come back and revisit 1, 2 and 3 and deliver some more to stores.
that could be it. Series 3 will be out in a couple months and they still haven't announced a 4th series.
Yeah, I have a feeling it's going t be an 18" scale Classic Pred. The way they keep wording it as a "big" reveal, and the fact they were gauging interest and trying to get a price point for it a few months ago seem to be pointing towards that. Plus posts from twitter seem to be hinting at it being a Predator or Alien related figure.
Here is what has been said so far by NECA on twitter about it:

"well its BIG, like really BIG & truly a grail. I'm very excited about it & I think most of you will be too."

When someone asked whether or not it was MGS figures:

"its not, sorry & its movie based."

And when someone asked wondering how NECA can top their forthcoming Predator line, they replied:

"Series 3 along w/ our reveal tomorrow will answer that"

This leads me to believe that it will be most likely a Predator/Alien figure. Possibly they have an ace up thier sleeve and have a fully sculpted P2 Predator. A longshot, but possibly an Alien Queen (unlikely though as they have said over and over the price is just too high to produce one). Most likely though it seems like it will be the 18" Predator. The wording of the tweets, and past questions NECA has asked seem to point toward this.

Of course I could be completely off base and it's maybe the Kyle Reese figure, or something T1 related.

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