Well, this is gonna be awesome! So glad we're getting non-sculpted netting. But hey, a little message to NECA. If you guys don't have to worry about the netting in the painting phase, I expect something fairly close to the prototype. Just saying, it's larger scale and the little things won't get in the way. No reason for this figure not to rock. Don't want to see armor pieces that are each different colors, that's another thing. Makes the 7" version look cheaply-painted. Time to give Tankman's awesome sculpt the honor and glorious paint apps it deserves. After all, won't this be the most expensive 18" scale figure they've done so far?
I'll wait to PO until I see some actual pics. Not necessarily when it's out, but just a few Twitter teasers and such of the real deal prior to Q2 2011. While $80 is a total steal for this, I'd like to know that it looks like an $80 figure beforehand. Now which version to get... I'm feeling the roaring headsculpt so far. But masked would look nice, too.
Hey, here's hoping they part these heads off on feeBay
