They're being sold at Toys R us! They're toys! HT figures breaking out of the box is a rarity. I've never had that happen myself. I've also never had a NECA figure break out of the package, either, but it's been quite a while since I've purchased one, and it's seeming to be the norm- which is shameful!!
Them putting "17+" on the package is their BS way of trying to get around the lack of durability. There is nothing about them that justifies that age limit, and them going to sell cool alien/creature looking figures in a major retail chain that focuses primarily on kids, then you can't expect kids to not buy these and want to play with them. I mean, I don't see anyone at TRU carding kids buying these things, so they are far from an adult-collectibles.
I have yet to see one legitimate reason as to why NECA is pumping crap out recently! So with out solid facts, assumptions take over, and right now my assumption is more $$$$ in their pockets, and screw the QC, because these are ...... how was it put "low-end adult collectibles. Semi-articulated small statues". Whatever justifies people buying them and having to boil them just to pose their collectibles- more power to ya.