Sideshow probably have the exclusive license for the 1:1 Bio masks...
Oh Really
Oh Poop,
I guess if that is the case then, no point in even asking, sounds really dumb but I didn't think about it, but makes sense,

Sideshow probably have the exclusive license for the 1:1 Bio masks...
I got the gort in the mail today and man the paint sucks compared to the s3 P1. Its a cool figure but I'm surprised they both came out of the same factory!
i'd rather they not make a 19" wolf. i won't buy anything from that movie anyway. they have plenty of preds from the end of 2 to choose from and i'd buy every single one in any scale.
ah,come on now, neca's figures are always perfect.
The sculpt is definitely there, but the paint differences are astounding.
i'd rather they not make a 19" wolf. i won't buy anything from that movie anyway. they have plenty of preds from the end of 2 to choose from and i'd buy every single one in any scale.
well here's the clan...
in all their... shrunken down... unpainted... glory?
there probably isn't a separate prototype for it. they only sculpted one unmasked version and a separate mask. and you've seen pics of the mask so you know what it looks like anyway.Where's P2 masked?
it looks exactly like the P2 figure in front, but with the gort mask.wish you could see p2 gort better in those pictures.
there probably isn't a separate prototype for it. they only sculpted one unmasked version and a separate mask. and you've seen pics of the mask so you know what it looks like anyway.
it looks exactly like the P2 figure in front, but with the gort mask.
Has anyone who pre-ordered series 3 from received their's yet or at least got a shipping notice?