NECA seems to be pumping out piss poor products. I think I'm just skipping these altogether. If you can't bend joints straight out of the package, then they seriously need to look into different production methods. Over half the people getting these won't boil them because they know nothing about it, and it shouldn't be that way to begin with. Over eagerness my ass! These are freaking toys, not high end collectibles!
They seem so concerned with accurate sculpts and double joints for better pose-ability that they seem to have forgotten to make them somewhat durable.
All we here is "what do you expect for a $15 toy?" excuses constantly. Well, the $7-10 Ben 10 figures I bought my kid never had joints break ..... ever! Even after his little sisters getting a hold of them and twisting them all around. And I never had to boil them.
So what's going to happen when half these things bought at retail have to be exchanged because of broken joints? Will distributors stop carrying these? Like someone suggested earlier, if you buy these at retail stores, I'd highly suggest opening them right there and bending the joints before leaving the store. Until you get one that doesn't crap out under slight pressure.
I so want to get these, but not having to put up with this nerve-racking crap!!