Super Freak
[ame=""]Predator 2 PWNED - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Predator 2 PWNED - YouTube[/ame]
i'd really rather not have the super pred skull. there's plenty of skulls that were actually in the movies they could've included instead.
Will Smith is famous and interesting.. Are figures of him going to sell out like crazy? Hell no
I think the point of having the skull there is to play on the fact that there's a war between the wolves (super preds) and dogs (classic preds).
None of smith movies have cult status or something exceptional.
Completely different movies and rolls he played.
You cant compare Ripley with Will Smith.
It doesn't matter, my point remains the same...
She's just not popular, or "cool" enough.
than a creature that i never saw in the movie like Gort.
Oh man, so many accessories!
So after this we can pretty much conclude the 2 pack will have a semi cloaked berserker with switch out blades (one cloaked, one not). A masked P2 with open/closed spear, a smart disc and interchangeable hands. Oh and a sweet super predator skull. Sounds awesome to me!
I will!my guess, it'll be unmasked closed mouth just like the 2-pack P1 figure was.
if it's cloaked, i won't buy it.
my guess, it'll be unmasked closed mouth just like the 2-pack P1 figure was.
if it's cloaked, i won't buy it.
Nope, it's going to be masked P2.
Here's from Twitter:
Q: "gotta be the masked version"
A: "that would be cool right? Maybe w/ extra weapons, hands, a trophy skull, oh the possibilities.."
well, since NECA is not Santa's workshop, they can't just make any character they want. they make licensed collectibles, which means they have to acquire licenses to make certain characters. for the most part, human characters from Fox franchises like Alien and Predator are just not available. as far as i know, Arnold and Tom are the only ones. you'll notice every other character Hot Toys made didn't look like the actors because they couldn't legally get the likeness rights. so, they made their sculpts just different enough to not get sued by the rights holders. and since NECA's mandate is accuracy, they don't have any intention of doing that. add to that the fact that human characters from monster movies never sell as well as the monsters do and you'll see why you shouldn't bother holding your breath for NECA marines/Harrigan/Dutch/etc.I'm new to this conversation but I think almost any fan of predator would love to c neca make a dutch and harrigan figure. I would love to have a blaine or a billy as well and I would even like a peter keys. The cool thing about it is that nobody else has made any of them besides hot toys, so it would be something new and refreshing for the predator franchise.