NECA: Predator Movie Franchise Figures

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Sweet sassy molassy, that's great. Could've sworn I was looking at P.'s custom HT P2 repainted by SilentSurfer
i'm talking about matching the colors with the paint they already used on the released city hunter,if they would have painted the chest same colors ,as the legs, at least it would have matched, they matched the colors on boar and shaman, how blind and dumb are they????

Beyond dumb at times. It's hard to believe and very frustrating.
Come on now, you can't say the McFarlane P2 figure is how the movie P2 should have looked.

I hope he's joking but he is a big Todd guy. Remember what his avatar was before? In my opinion the McFarlane P2 is the worst Predator figure McFarlane made. The proportions are such a joke. It was Todds head of sculpting whom I'll leave nameless that made that figure his vision. To be fair to Todd he had no idea what P2 actually looked like. He was all wrapped up in sports and the Matrix at the time. The head of sculpting guy was a big comic book lover and he was also behind the Hicks figure. He told me Stan Winston was very much overrated and Todd was so much more a better artist. LOL. I guess if you love comic books maybe but many like myself loves movies. Stan wins hands down.
I just looked at some scenes from P2 of the Predator's face. The jaw area and forehead is quite pale, it reminded me of poultry actually. I'm starring to wonder if people's ideas of how the unmasked Pred should look and how it appeared in the film are wildly different. In other words, the unmasked P2 paint may be more accurate than some people believe. I'll try to post pix later to support my theory.
Netting is definitely possible. I have this Canary figure and it works quite well. Will it requre a little more thought? Sure.
Neca is trying to hit the biggest market then can get. Neca probably thinks that pushing the price closer to $25 will drive some away.
i have the same canary fig. i would think it would be easier and more practical just to get real netting on 7" pred than to go through the hassle of sculpting them and then trying to paint straight lines over them. what's more important is that it would make the whole impression look so much cooler. so, what do you say, tankman? give it a try for the next wave? :)

I can't help but crack up at some of this stuff. The truth is we use the same factories McFarlane uses and it's hit and miss on all the figures. If Spawn fans think McFarlane paint was so nice go back and look at the P1 7 inch and 12 inch figures. I remember wanting to cry at how bad the painting was. The McFarlane P1 is the worst painted Predator figure ever. As far as Todd goes I'm very grateful he came around and gave fans like me the toys we always wanted. The first two years working there was so much fun and I met my buddy Randy there and the rest is history. Todd really wasn't the one that let the Predators and Alien go inaccurate. It was the guys running the NJ office and they could care less about the cool monster stuff. They are sports nuts like Todd and most every talented person there can tell you what it was like working for them. To give funs an idea most of us moved on for a reason even though it should have been a dream job. We didn't want to but you can only take so much. It's sad really because Todd is off in AZ and has no idea how much of his money has been such a waist. Now the NJ office is betting on computer sculpting and in my opinion the stuff doesn't look as good as it did. It's sad really to see where Todd is now from where he was.

I'll be the first to admit at times things suck with us like Elder snapping off at the elbows. It's a constant fight with China to get our stuff the way we want it. SS goes through the same stuff with there 400 dollar statues. Still though I think to myself for 17 dollars these figures are great and as a huge P2 fan I'm very happy to see an accurate P2 for the first time in toy form. The NJ office knew I was a huge fan of Predator and Alien and I knew there were fans like myself that wanted accurate toys of these great characters. I would say I joined McFarlane mainly to see these guys get made and when the time came I was told you're too nuts about these monsters and only a few wackos would care at all if they're accurate. I had to stand by and watch unseasoned sculptors hack the Queen, P2, Alien 3 into the figures they are. I watched my 18 inch Predator that I worked on for two years on my own time get ruined and re sculpted by who cares sculptors. All this after I was promised to let McFarlane show my sculpture at Toy Fair and I'd get it back to be finished. Toy Fair ended and then I was told sorry dude but we're going to finish it and you're too nuts about making it accurate. I also never got paid for all the many hours work that was done on my own time. I was also told Stan Winston's artist really didn't do good work and McFarlane guys would make it look the way it should have in the first place. Total disrespect to a multi academy award winner and legend. For me I was way more a Stan Winston fan than a Todd fan and I chose the right thing to do and that was move on to a company that let me do things the Winston way and not the Todd NJ office way. It's been a great joy for us at NECA to try and right a wrong and give fans the great stuff Stan Winston put out in the best times of Hollywood monster flicks.
I will add though thanks to Todd for taking toys in a direction that lead fans like myself back into wanting to hit Toys are Us and get such cool stuff. Joining his company also gave me and others a fun career. Most of us that worked there and moved on are really good friends still. We just sake our heads at where McFarlane is now days.

I'm not an Alien 3 or 4 fan but I'd like us to take those on because we'd go accurate and Alien3 would benefit big time from our new ways of doing articulation. For myself I'd love to take on the Queen and give fans a very accurate Queen. Heck doing AVP might not be such a bad idea. It seems fans can't get enough Predator. Fingers crossed one day we'll do a 19 inch P2. The sculpt took many many hours and it deserves the 19 inch treatment.
It's also nice to see these series 4 Pred 2 figures aren't falling apart like series 3. As a fan myself I can't wait to see series 5 and 6. As a Predator fan it's a very nice time between us HT, NECA and SS to see all the cool figures being made. I'd love to see what EB would do with Predator and Alien at 1/4th scale.
I know for some fans it's frustrating to see our sculpts get turned into cheap toys and all but that's what we make and go for. There are many more fans out there that will go for the cheaper figure than say HT or SS. We'll fill that void and maybe someday we'll go more high end. It would be great to see this P2 get a HT type of paint job.

so it's not todd the man that you hate, but the guys running the NJ office. good for making that clear, because it always looked to me you had it for the man himself, judging by the constant venom you spewed about mcf. i thought the company committed suicide the day they decided to give up pursuing movie licenses and went agressively after cartoons, and i vented constantly about it in their forum. so i got my beef with mcf too. i'm just really grateful that neca picked up the effort and is continuing mcf's movie maniac legacy.

but now.. back to your pred. this is not a jab, but a sincere request from me, that i strongly believe would result in neca giving us the best possible 7" pred. so please consider these options seriously:

- dont mold the plastic in color. PAINT IT! it makes your preds look cheap and toyish. (my biggest gripe)
- real netting
- dont blame the girls sitting in the assembly line. just supervise the factory better.
- raise the unit price

dont say no outright. play the options in your mind. chew on them, consider the possibility of making them real. would you please do that, for the sake of a better pred in the long run? :)


Oh wow that looks so cool. I'm thinking this guy really needs to be 19inches so bad. Great job on this.


not to be a buttkisser, but as great as the fan mod is, your proto still trumps it. have you thought about releasing the preds in the 2up size? i think only one or two companies are playing in that scale now. judging by the brilliant work on that 2up, i'd say the 10" market is yours for the taking should you choose it.

also, if you could put on a real netting on a 10" pred, then you sure as hell could put on the same netting on a pred just a couple of inches smaller.
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not to be a buttkisser, but as great as the fan mod is, your proto still trumps it. have you thought about releasing the preds in the 2up size? i think only one or two companies are playing in that scale now. judging by the brilliant work on that 2up, i'd say the 10" market is yours for the taking should you choose it.

also, if you could put on a real netting on a 10" pred, then you sure as hell could put on the same netting on a pred just a couple of inches smaller.

The two-ups aren't 10", they're 12". There are plenty of companies in that particular market and seeing as how NECA has issues with accurately-scaling their figures, most collectors would go with the other alternatives (like Hot Toys). Even if they improved their paint apps, they still wouldn't come close to those found on high-end pieces. If NECA enters any new market with their Predators, I'd hope they continue their 1/4 line.
I still think the opening is there for NECA 1/6 Aliens. The HT Aliens are less than satisfying and hey NECAs QC on those probably wouldn't be any worse than it is on the HT ones.
I picked up 3 today, and they're all good for the size and price.
Well done NECA!!





People could army build the NECA Aliens Warrior to go with their HT USCMs and we could have a '79 Alien that bears more than just a basic resemblance (hello HT big chap).

I contemplating adding my HT Aliens to my For Sale list. They're just so wonky and loose like ragdolls, feet dropping off at the slightest touch, can't hold a pose - just frustrating - let alone the artistic licenses HT took in the sculpts.

If I did, do you guys think I should just sell them loose or would it be worth digging out the boxes? Theres no way I'd take the risk of dissassembling them so it seems like I'd just be creating a big shipping bill.
People could army build the NECA Aliens Warrior to go with their HT USCMs and we could have a '79 Alien that bears more than just a basic resemblance (hello HT big chap).

I contemplating adding my HT Aliens to my For Sale list. They're just so wonky and loose like ragdolls, feet dropping off at the slightest touch, can't hold a pose - just frustrating - let alone the artistic licenses HT took in the sculpts.

If I did, do you guys think I should just sell them loose or would it be worth digging out the boxes? Theres no way I'd take the risk of dissassembling them so it seems like I'd just be creating a big shipping bill.

You could offer them with the box at a higher price. Give the customer the choice of whether they want it or not.