i have the same canary fig. i would think it would be easier and more practical just to get real netting on 7" pred than to go through the hassle of sculpting them and then trying to paint straight lines over them. what's more important is that it would make thttps://www.sideshowcollectors.com/forums/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=4029047he whole impression look so much cooler. so, what do you say, tankman? give it a try for the next wave?
so it's not todd the man that you hate, but the guys running the NJ office. good for making that clear, because it always looked to me you had it for the man himself, judging by the constant venom you spewed about mcf. i thought the company committed suicide the day they decided to give up pursuing movie licenses and went agressively after cartoons, and i vented constantly about it in their forum. so i got my beef with mcf too. i'm just really grateful that neca picked up the effort and is continuing mcf's movie maniac legacy.
but now.. back to your pred. this is not a jab, but a sincere request from me, that i strongly believe would result in neca giving us the best possible 7" pred. so please consider these options seriously:
- dont mold the plastic in color. PAINT IT! it makes your preds look cheap and toyish. (my biggest gripe)
- real netting
- dont blame the girls sitting in the assembly line. just supervise the factory better.
- raise the unit price
dont say no outright. play the options in your mind. chew on them, consider the possibility of making them real. would you please do that, for the sake of a better pred in the long run?
not to be a buttkisser, but as great as the fan mod is, your proto still trumps it. have you thought about releasing the preds in the 2up size? i think only one or two companies are playing in that scale now. judging by the brilliant work on that 2up, i'd say the 10" market is yours for the taking should you choose it.
also, if you could put on a real netting on a 10" pred, then you sure as hell could put on the same netting on a pred just a couple of inches smaller.
but now.. back to your pred. this is not a jab, but a sincere request from me, that i strongly believe would result in neca giving us the best possible 7" pred. so please consider these options seriously:
- dont mold the plastic in color. PAINT IT! it makes your preds look cheap and toyish. (my biggest gripe)
- real netting
- dont blame the girls sitting in the assembly line. just supervise the factory better.
- raise the unit price
Is like if I had a house maid and she always burned dinner for me, but i couldn't say anything to her, even though I would be eating Burned chicken
Can you put a pick up of the figure with the real netting please. I'd like to see it.
Come on now, you can't say the McFarlane P2 figure is how the movie P2 should have looked.
I'm not. But I wasn't there. Maybe the Stan Winston guy sculpted something he thought was right, but could've been worse then what came out.
I don't know. I'm mearly trying to give a senario as to why someone who helped make the thing didn't do a good job,
Yes. I know who Stan Winston is.
Kyle said a GUY from STAN WINSTON'S STUDIO's sculpted a figure that was rejected or whatever. Hence...Stan Winston guy,
This post sums up my confusion perfectly. What is the deal, people? Take some control of the situation, it's the mark of a good company. Even HT learned how to do that with their recent Classic improvements (not comparing apples to oranges, just saying that a company as full of itself as HT ended up doing the right thing when their probems weren't even too bothersome to begin with).
ok 12" then, not 10". my bad.The two-ups aren't 10", they're 12". There are plenty of companies in that particular market and seeing as how NECA has issues with accurately-scaling their figures, most collectors would go with the other alternatives (like Hot Toys). Even if they improved their paint apps, they still wouldn't come close to those found on high-end pieces. If NECA enters any new market with their Predators, I'd hope they continue their 1/4 line.
ok, you're back to dissing todd again. hehe.. i agreed that mcf got clueless towards the end, even to the point they didnt seem to recognize who their fans are anymore or what kind of company they were when they started. it showed in each stupid decision they made, in license choices, in the the drop in design and quality, etc etc. and even when i didnt know the inside story(though i heard rumors the sculptors were unhappy), it was obvious todd the artist had left the building for good, and todd the businessman had taken over, and for the worse. everyone but the most devout mcf fanboys could see the company was getting off track, way off track. i ranted about this often in their forum but was shut out; the forum had turned into a 24 hours ball-stroking party for todd by then, and they just wouldnt listen to reason. we all see how that ended up.I'd say 1/4th for our Predator2 and I personally get a big kick out of seeing a figure I sculpted get blown up larger.
No I don't hate Todd or anyone for that matter but Todd is real big on himself and he thinks his ideas are the way to go. Most of the best things that came out of his place was the things us the fans suggested. As time went on the sculptors just didn't care because the work environment was so poor. Todd was told of the going ons in NJ office but chose his managers over his artist. Now the NJ office is left with NO sculptors and nobody wants to work with those people. Guess who McFarlane's best work for now?
Todd was sold on the idea to use computers and little did he know the NJ guys had to go that way because all the really good sculptors took off. I sometimes wonder how Todd doesn't notice how his Living Dead tv show figures don't look proportioned like the real actors. Well when you scan a short stubby guy that works in your photography department thats what you get. A body that looks nothing like the real actor.
Todd also chose to not want to pay people anywhere near what they are worth. He rather buy a roid head 3 million dollar baseball that's now worth nothing. Not a good idea and when we left we felt He would drive the Titanic right into the iceberg. Sad that seems to be the way of things. Can you put a pick up of the figure with the real netting please. I'd like to see it.
i know i'm right because i own plenty neca figs that are both molded in color and entirely painted. the difference is blatant to me - one looks like a completed finished product, the other looks like it's 2 stages short off a finished product; one looks professional and polished, the other looks plasticky and toyish. if neca want to cut corner on their preds to save cost, molding the plastic in color should not be an option.The sculpture is extremely impressive. I think cr' is right about the molded plastic in the color. Adding paint to the sculpture makes it really pop.
One of the things I remember reading from SS and Neca was that HT has an advantage with the production factory. HT can in essence have someone on site. Can't they hire someone in China if they don't want to send someone from the States? And it would seem more productive to hire someone from China. I'm sure HT gets better results because they work with their countrymen.