Super Freak
Yeah thanks. Why didn't I think of that?!
Can't get him in a pose I want without him flopping over.
Can't get him in a pose I want without him flopping over.
But it's already proven that you can have a functional helmet without compromising the sculp.
I know. I have the same problem. I just slumped him over. I've tried everything.
Proven where in the 1/10th (aka - 7") scale?
Whatever. My only point was that customizers can pull off feats that wage slaves in China cannot.
Why you have to bring those poor people into this?
Also, I assume they only follow the casts that neca sends them to reproduce the parts, it's not like each piece is hand-made.
I received a 3A robot last week, about 9" tall, small hands, and it has articulated fingers, each finger has 3 points of articulation....
There always will be excuses, the fact is that it is possible to make removable masks without compromising sculpts, but NECA chooses not to go into trouble.
Personally I'd pay more for figures with this tiny gimmick.
But that's just me.
A few "Jungle Disguise" Dutch shots I snapped this morning. This is a fantastic figure with great accessories....
Until I come up with a more elegant solution, for the time being I have used hot glue. Just squeezed a bunch in there, and it is better.
Going to do some touch ups to the armor to give the P1 some greens and browns, and do a black wash to bring out the details of the sculpt.
Would love to redo the netting since half the black paint isn't even on the netting itself, but don't have the skill to completely repaint the skin.
Question for you guys on the NECA Predators, and their hip joints. I just picked up one the joints are pretty loose. I have tried clear nail polish, and it didn't do anything. I tried super glue and it didn't do anything. I tried shoving paper in there to tighten it and the paper would just slip out after moving the joint around a bit.
Advice on how to tighten this beeyatch up?
He really does. Well played.jungle hunter looks to have a very bad sinus infection.
Does anyone have a side by side photo of the unmasked City Hunter from Neca and the unmasked City Hunter from McFarlane? Danke
Those pics are amazing!! Can you show us the "non photoshoped" vesrion of those pics? That is, what your background, diorama, etc look like in natural lighting?