...don't know if you realize this but doing 1/4 figures is more expensive and they have to spread out and choose what to do in scale. Or maybe you're just trolling
God damn, just read the comments over on their facebook reveal of this wave for the Predator anniversary and I am kinda surprised how pissed off a lot of the fans are with this selection. Are fans right to complain to Randy about his / NECA and their handling of this or were fans just expecting more than what they got in the end ? Or is this the company's chronic part reuse coming back to bite them on the arse ?
I'm actually happy I will have the chance to get the jungle extraction Dutch without feeding the scalpers on eBay. I'm sure there are other people in the same situation. I'm not a completist. I only buy what seems cool at the moment and sometimes they just happen to grow on me and discover that my fist impression was wrong (but too late to find a good deal anymore).
Singles of the wave are disappearing fast on BBTS. Ended up only being able to order the full set of 7 to get everything I wanted.
False alarm, they're all back up for Preorder.
Yeah, now Demon is sold out again for some reason. Weird ****.
Now he's back up again.