Looks pretty good so far. But I gotta admit, I''m not really a fan of that much articulation. I think the Predator 2-style, and Jungle hunter 2.0 body types hit the perfect mix/balance of articulation and sculpt. Although I guess alot of the joints will be covered since these AvP Preds have alot more armor covering them than the other Preds.
As far as re-releasing the JH and CH with this updated articulation scheme in a "Best of" wave, did Randy specify if they would be updated versions and sculpts in any way? Seems more likely they would just re-release the sculpts they already have. I mean, with these new AvP Preds they have enough material to make about 3 waves of figures and variants using the same body type and near-identical armor (with some variations), so they cost of tooling this brand new body and the armor to go with it is justified. Just off the top of my head they have Scar, Scar unmasked, Celtic, Battle Camaged Celtic, Chopper, Elder, and Ancient Pred.
With JH and CH, they would have to tool 2 seperate super-articulated bodies (the body types and shape are different between the JH and CH), and new armor to fit that body type. Even if they make 3 variants of each (Masked Unmasked, Unmasked/closed mouth),it would require more than one wave to do. I guess they could sprinkle them throughout future waves. But then all of the Lost Preds and Elder would look out of place.