trying to find some info on Enterbay like Hot Toys?
Their website isn't hard to fid,
But check out the Enterbay T-800 thread here in the 'aliens and robots' forum to check out how awesome their 1/4 Terminator is....
trying to find some info on Enterbay like Hot Toys?
Pic of red trunks Drago and final fight Rocky.
Talk about a company that couldn't get Stallones likeness if their lives depended on it.
The bizarre part is, the BD versions are quite the opposite.
Sorry to break the bad news buddy, but I got all 4 today and Jakks blows these away. IMO which doesn't mean a whole lot lol
Man paint looks REALLY good on those. Damn shame the non-BD Rocky's likeness is way off.Man...I can't wait to get all these Rocky figs,allready ordered the first 4 from Rocky 1.
Some in hand pics can be found here,not mine btw:
The one thing Neca taught me is how much I should now appreciate what Jakks did in 2006.
Rocky 3 looks pretty good.
This is neat, but if it's the only head that comes with this version of the figure, I think they'll be stuck with a lot of stock, who wants a figure of Rocky going down.
Yes the bd are worth getting, but like a said you better display them 5 inches away from you or buy glasses, they are very small in scale, if you put these beyond 5 - 10 inches you can't even make out the detail on the bd faces.
It's almost like I'm looking at a mini statue.
Glad you like them, but the mini thing is what kills it for me, just wish they made them bigger IMO.