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with all the postings on this I have to it worth getting this figure?
depends on your definition of "worth". it's certainly worth the measly $40 for the sculpt alone. as for the breakage issues, most of that will be avoided by thoroughly heating the joints before you try to position them right out of the box. you'd think NECA collectors would get the hang of that by now, but some still gotta learn the hard way.

the other issue is NECA is too cheap or too dense to include or even make some kind of stand for their extremely top-heavy figure. i fixed that by putting mine in a 20" acrylic display case. i'm also commissioning a repaint for mine. so i probably have a few hundred $$ invested in it at this point. your mileage may vary.
with all the postings on this I have to it worth getting this figure?

I think he is worth $100 for the sculpt alone as well. I also think he is a overall great toy as well. I love playing and reposing the figure all the time.

But... I haven't had any issues with him like others. My figure assembled easily (I used boiling water), and has stood fine in my office since I bought him.
I think so, absolutely. It's 22" of the most accurate Alien toy we'll ever get. Sure, you may get a stuck joint, but as said, with a hairdryer and some TLC it should be right as rain.

thanks for the input guys, i was a bit on the fence thinking to wait for sideshow maquette.
You will not regret getting this figure.
It really is outstanding in accuracy, my only minor complaints being the shape of the dome in the front and the fact that the jaw doesn't close properly.
Otherwise I love it dearly.

Not the best of pics, but I just love the front view of Kyle's sculpt:

Sorry i'm not up do date. Is this a re-release?

I have mine since it originally launched. I airbrushed his dome with black paint (didn't like that much the look with the transparent dome) and made a stand for him (right after it took quite a big fall :\ ).

After about a year of posing him in front of my dvd collection, i had to move him because he was too big and i couldn't access easily my movies :D So i put him in the detolf, at the bottom. Imagine the hard time i had trying to squeeze the beast to fit in there :lol


My second alien in 18.
Much darker dome, version 1, 2, 3 or 4 ? I dont know.
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Just got this. Heated up the legs and everything went together fine and moves fine. I'm surprised at how much I like this, in a strange way I think I like this more than my HT Alien. For $35 this is a steal! Bring on the 18" Predator!
Just got this. Heated up the legs and everything went together fine and moves fine. I'm surprised at how much I like this, in a strange way I think I like this more than my HT Alien.

Theres nothing surprising about preferring something that bears far more of a resemblance to the film creature than something that has only a basic likeness. Heck I'd take the 8" figure over the HT one.

I do love the HT P1 though and don't think the accuracy gulf is as big there as other NECA fans would have you believe RE: the neca P1. Replace the mask and do a dread mod and you have a stunner of a not-quite-true-1/6th Predator.
Got my one today from BBTS. Nice milky white dome! I haven't put him together yet as I'm in work but so far so good. Packaging isn't great - the four pipes that stick out of the back of the alien were loose inside the box, thankfully they didn't seem to cause any paint damage on the figure.

Like others I wish the mouth could closer tighter, I've got a minor case of off centre black fogging on the very front of the dome, a couple of little scrapes and a little dinge on one side but I'm sure the real suit had that kind of stuff so I'm letting it go.

I think wherever I put this I'm going to surround it with bubblewrap though! The bigger they are the harder they fall and I don't want that dome getting ___ked. Plus its a Neca figure so I wouldn't put it past the joints to snap.

Beautiful figure overall. The best action-figure representation of the original alien you can get.
Got my one today from BBTS. Nice milky white dome! I haven't put him together yet as I'm in work but so far so good. Packaging isn't great - the four pipes that stick out of the back of the alien were loose inside the box, thankfully they didn't seem to cause any paint damage on the figure.

Like others I wish the mouth could closer tighter, I've got a minor case of off centre black fogging on the very front of the dome, a couple of little scrapes and a little dinge on one side but I'm sure the real suit had that kind of stuff so I'm letting it go.

I think wherever I put this I'm going to surround it with bubblewrap though! The bigger they are the harder they fall and I don't want that dome getting ___ked. Plus its a Neca figure so I wouldn't put it past the joints to snap.

Beautiful figure overall. The best action-figure representation of the original alien you can get.
Mine has that too, but the size and accuracy makes you forget that it's there.
Love love love this monster







God those joints are stiff. Love it. Got it today and I must be lucky because no problem putting it together, just one foot looked like he was taking ballet lessons.
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I'll take pics of mine at some point. Stunning figure, really gets me thinking of the jerry goldsmith score when I look at it - particularly the tracks "Here Kitty", "Parkers death" and "Sleepy Alien" on the complete soundtrack.

I wonder what prevents it from closing its mouth tighter - I presume those jaw tendons play a role. I wonder if it'd be possible to cut something off them where the cut would stay out of sight inside the head while allowing you to close the jaw more.
:hi5:Quick question on the dome color--does it vary from figure to figure in terms of how frosted the dome is? Does it look frostier in picture than in person?
:hi5:Quick question on the dome color--does it vary from figure to figure in terms of how frosted the dome is? Does it look frostier in picture than in person?

Dome looks as frosty in person as in pics. I only have one so i can't answer the former part of your question. But this thing is so damn heavy too.
:hi5:Quick question on the dome color--does it vary from figure to figure in terms of how frosted the dome is? Does it look frostier in picture than in person?
Some are clear, some are foggy. Foggy will always look the best though.