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:rock so nice to see Alien 3 is getting love for all the right reasons instead of being crapped on for all the wrong ones.

Sigorgy Weiner is like 70 or something.. so unless the plan is for her to shows up in that Avatard body, let the granma rest her bunions.
Here she is from this past Sunday's SNL 40th.



I guess they could use CGI to take another 10 years off. Dunno how she's gonna look in a tank top though.
I never fancied her so I was never going to be 'disappointed' as she aged. I could see her in the movie no problem though based on those recent pics^. I wonder what hairstyle she'd have actually.
I never fancied her so I was never going to be 'disappointed' as she aged. I could see her in the movie no problem though based on those recent pics^. I wonder what hairstyle she'd have actually.

She could almost just sport her current real life hairstyle and call it good.
Alien 3 (directors cut) gets better and better over time. It is the sequel to Alien. Aliens went another way and while being an absolute entertaining movie is the sole reason that ****ed up the Alien franchise making the Xenomorphs a “shoot em up” creature (A4, AVP 1 & 2)

On a side note I love the design of the new born and am waiting for a NECA figure!!
After all this craziness (Star Wars original cast returning, Arnold back as Terminator, possibly Sigorney and Biehn returning), Keaton coming back as Batman wouldn't shock me. Beetlejuice is set to return after 27 years.

Seems like we live in a time where any movie (or collectible from a movie) is possible.

Add Dumb and dumber cast coming back. OT X-Men coming back for DOFP and Arnold in King Conan. Seems to be an age of original actors returning to the franchises.
1. It hasn't aged well, true, but I appreciate the cleverness, crawling, slowly, sure, jumping from top to bottom, sure, running like a ****ing dog on walls the whole time? Nope :lol
4. It was halfway, not 1/3, halfway, and he did help Ripley.
5. You say it like Aliens doesn't have plot holes or unaddressed things.
6. Critics care about popularity? That's probably true, You care? :lol I sure as hell don't, otherwise I'd be in the mindless bandwagon of Alien 3 haters :lol
7. No, we weren't discussing that, when did I say Alien 3 was better? When did I even hint at that being my opinion? It's obviously not critically outstanding because critics don't say so, but it IS good.

It's not false, it's subjective, I don't think it is but if someone said it was I wouldn't argue cause I think there are enough arguments to back that up.

1. You are keep changing the subject. I was talking about whether the visual effects are good and even you agreed that it was bad. Saying that it was clever has nothing to do with the quality. Also how is it "clever" when it looks awful?

4. No he did not help riply he was attacked from the back and he did not have time to help ripley nor did he have time to move the plot.

5. Aliens does not have plot holes. It has goofs, and errors but they are not "plot holes" they are visual effects errors. Which Plot hole are you talking about?

6. Critics care for literary value and standards, and alien 3 was not able to achieve it.

7. ummm. So you are agreeing that the movie is critically awful but saying it is good (without backing up any reason?) :cuckoo:
Sorry I'm completely lost here.

Well various website including major, minor , plus blogs and other overseas website tell me otherwise. (including Academy awards)
Yes, this. The extended directors cut is great, it helps fill up the plot holes, created when the studio execs invaded the set.

Not even the extended directors cut fixes the worst of the plot holes, which was created in the opening credit sequence. One egg being on the Sulaco is ALMOST impossible, two eggs is NEXT to impossible and the eggs or the facehugger getting from the drop bay hanger into the long range cryo bed chamber IS impossible.

The fact is that NO ONE cared about the how or why, they just wanted to make a movie. Fox, studio execs and even Fincher are all guilty of making a poor film. After talking to Michael Behin in December, I will never respect the people that where involved on the decision making level. Not only where they going use his likeness without telling or paying him, but they where going to kill off Hicks with a chestburster scene. And ANYONE who's a fan of Hicks or Behin should hate the film for very reason. Screw Alien 3, screw it right up it's dirty dirt box. I will never own it and all copies can burn only to be sent to the pile of films that do not exist.
1. You are keep changing the subject. I was talking about whether the visual effects are good and even you agreed that it was bad. Saying that it was clever has nothing to do with the quality.

4. No he did not help reply he was attacked from the back and he did not have time to help ripley nor did he have time to move the plot.

5. Aliens does not have plot holes. It has goofs, and errors but they are not "plot holes" they are visual effects errors. Which Plot hole are you talking about?

6. Critics care for literary value and standards, and alien 3 was not able to achieve it.

7. ummm. So you are agreeing that the movie is critically awful but saying it is good (without backing up any reason?) :cuckoo:
Sorry I'm completely lost here.

Well various website including major, minor , plus blogs and other overseas website tell me otherwise.

1. No I'm not changing the subject and I didn't say they were bad, read better.
4. Wtf are you talking about? Who made the autopsy again? Not move the plot? Seriously?
5. Aliens doesn't have plotholes? I suggest you google "Aliens plotholes", I think it may even have more than Alien 3.
6. Dude, you complain I'm changing the topic when you're the one incapable to stick to it, I don't know where you're going to here, but popularity means nothing, before that you said the mood or whatever didn't work for Alien 3, you're wrong, it did, and critics at the time were unable to see it, it lacks literary value and standards? PLEASE! :rotfl
7. I'm agreeing that the critics say it's awful, not saying I agree with the critics themselves, dear lord you're really struggling aren't you? :lol Besides, I have done more to back up the redeeming qualities of the movie, which are not few at all than you trying to highlight the supposedly "bad" parts about it.
Not even the extended directors cut fixes the worst of the plot holes, which was created in the opening credit sequence. One egg being on the Sulaco is ALMOST impossible, two eggs is NEXT to impossible and the eggs or the facehugger getting from the drop bay hanger into the long range cryo bed chamber IS impossible.

The fact is that NO ONE cared about the how or why, they just wanted to make a movie. Fox, studio execs and even Fincher are all guilty of making a poor film. After talking to Michael Behin in December, I will never respect the people that where involved on the decision making level. Not only where they going use his likeness without telling or paying him, but they where going to kill off Hicks with a chestburster scene. And ANYONE who's a fan of Hicks or Behin should hate the film for very reason. Screw Alien 3, screw it right up it's dirty dirt box. I will never own it and all copies can burn only to be sent to the pile of films that do not exist.

Oh boohoo.