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1.They may look outdated, but taking into consideration it was the last stretch of chemical visual effects they are impressive, and in fact, pioneering in many aspects.
2. Oh, my bad, misread :lol nope, it didn't.
3. And how's that different from any other movie? If you watch it a lot, things stick, people don't watch Alien 3 a lot, things don't stick.
4. You're the one making that point :lol you tell me.
5. It's really not, since they don't disappear in the DC cut, but the suits made them disappear in the theatrical, and again, they're not important, they're barely supporting characters.
6. And the 1st Alien has more than 1 mood? Does Predator? That's just not a good argument.
7. Huh? Yes it does, the script does, the visuals do, the sound does, the music does, the performances do.

1. It had terrible visual effects because it was even worse than the previous movies, where one came in 1986 and the other in 1979
3. In both Alien, and Aliens the characters pretty much stick far better in your head than the third movie where everyone is just bald including ripley.
(There is a reason why Disney makes visually diverse characters to set every character apart.)
4. Why waste time building a character if you are gonna kill him in the first act. Yes there are movies that does that like in Big Hero 6 but at least in that movie it is the main part of the plot where the protagonist tries to take revenge for his brother. In Alien 3 tt does nothing to the plot and just basically waste time. Ripley didnt seem to even care that much when he died.
5. If I go by your argument, why show a character in the first place if it does nothing to the plot?
6. Alien had at least two mood. It didn't right away become a horror movie from the get go. Alien 3 was depressing from the very beginning to the end.
Even holocaust movies start some what happy. It slowly foreshadows the bad things to come.
7. How does the script and the performance make you care for the characters? (beside Dillion)
1. It had terrible visual effects because it was even worse than the previous movies, where one came in 1986 and the other in 1979
3. In both Alien, and Aliens the characters pretty much stick far better in your head than the third movie where everyone is just bald including ripley.
(There is a reason why Disney makes visually diverse characters to set every character apart.)
4. Why waste time building a character if you are gonna kill him in the first act. Yes there are movies that does that like in Big Hero 6 but at least in that movie it is the main part of the plot where the protagonist tries to take revenge for his brother. In Alien 3 tt does nothing to the plot and just basically waste time. Ripley didnt seem to even care that much when he died.
5. If I go by your argument, why show a character in the first place if it does nothing to the plot?
6. Alien had at least two mood. It didn't right away become a horror movie from the get go. Alien 3 was depressing from the very beginning to the end.
Even holocaust movies start some what happy. It slowly foreshadows the bad things to come.
7. How does the script and the performance make you care for the characters? (beside Dillion)

1. There's no comparison because the 2 previous movies didn't do 80% of the stuff Alien 3 did.
3. And that's because they're so over the top, in Alien 3 they're not.
4. Tough beans I guess? I really don't see a problem with killing off a character relatively fast, and he wasn't useless, he did help around Ripley a lot.
5. Uhm, what do half of the marines do with the plot except getting killed? What does half of the squad in Predator and half of the crew of Alien?
6. And that's ok, because it works for Alien3.
7. Because, they're messed up people, who, some of them, ultimately tried to earn redemption throughout the movie.
1. There's no comparison because the 2 previous movies didn't do 80% of the stuff Alien 3 did.
3. And that's because they're so over the top, in Alien 3 they're not.
4. Tough beans I guess? I really don't see a problem with killing off a character relatively fast, and he wasn't useless, he did help around Ripley a lot.
5. Uhm, what do half of the marines do with the plot except getting killed? What does half of the squad in Predator and half of the crew of Alien?
6. And that's ok, because it works for Alien3.
7. Because, they're messed up people, who, some of them, ultimately tried to earn redemption throughout the movie.

1. You mean like the full body shots (long shot)? Alien queen had those scenes (probably even more than alien 3). The composition is terrible in alien 3 which makes the alien look like
it was cut from a cardboard paper. It's not like Cameron or Ridley didnt have the idea to have scenes like in alien 3. If they cannot manage to make it realistic they should have portrayed the alien in a different matter. Like how Jaws originally wanted to show the sharks all the time but because of the limited technology they decided to appear less.

3. I'm assuming you are talking about aliens, and how is it over the top? Are you saying that you would rather have characters that you wont care or remember than people that you can actually remember and be sad when they die?

4. You are right. He wasn't useless, he could have been the major supporting character and that is why killing him off in the very beginning just makes the movie terrible. He had the potential to become a solid character.

5. All the people that you have mentioned at least shows that they die in some manner. It was a rhetorical question.

6. Obviously it doesn't because the majority of the people dislike the movie.

7. But did you feel sad or even cared when they died like how people felt when Vasquez, Hudson, Gorman died? Even if you did most people

did not.
1. You mean like the full body shots (long shot)? Alien queen had those scenes (probably even more than alien 3). The composition is terrible in alien 3 which makes the alien look like
it was cut from a cardboard paper. It's not like Cameron or Ridley didnt have the idea to have scenes like in alien 3. If they cannot manage to make it realistic they should have portrayed the alien in a different matter. Like how Jaws originally wanted to show the sharks all the time but because of the limited technology they decided to appear less.

3. I'm assuming you are talking about aliens, and how is it over the top? Are you saying that you would rather have characters that you wont care or remember than people that you can actually remember and be sad when they die?

4. You are right. He wasn't useless, he could have been the major supporting character and that is why killing him off in the very beginning just makes the movie terrible. He had the potential to become a solid character.

5. All the people that you have mentioned at least shows that they die in some manner. It was a rhetorical question.

6. Obviously it doesn't because the majority of the people dislike the movie.

7. But did you feel sad or even cared when they died like how people felt when Vasquez, Hudson, Gorman died? Even if you did most people

did not.

1. I didn't notice they had the queen running around on walls the entire time...
3. You don't think characters like Vazquez, Hudson or Drake are over the top? And no, I'm not saying that, you seem to think I like Alien 3 better than Aliens, I don't, but I don't think Alien 3 is nearly as terrible as people make it out to be.
4. And he was for the time he was in, btw he was killed literally halfway through the movie, you're making it sound like it was sooner that it should've, it wasn't.
5. Is it really important that they didn't show them die in the TC? No it's not, besides they DO in the DC, there's really no point here and you didn't answer the question.
6. It does, and they do without good reason, why do you appeal to popularity? Who the **** cares about that? :lol
7. Of course not, they're convicts, why are you judging Alien3 like if it was supposed to be the same as Aliens? Those are murderers and rapists (you said it yourself) who were looking for redemption, you don't feel sad when someone achieves redemption, Vazquez, Hicks and co. weren't anywhere near the same type of characters as Alien3's.
Last time I watched Aliens was a few years ago with My sister, her boyfriend and my girlfriend. They laughed at how terribly cheesy the movie is. There are some things in it that are cool, but I gotta agree with them. It's mostly rah-rah cheesy gung-ho ********. The dialogue is awful.

Alien 3 is pretty boring, but the whole production was frustrating. YOu have to give the film credit in that it looks very good IMO with the brownish visual motifs. You could tell Fincher had talent.
Alien 3 is pretty boring, but the whole production was frustrating. YOu have to give the film credit in that it looks very good IMO with the brownish visual motifs. You could tell Fincher had talent.

Yes, the whole thing was a suit whims cluster****, Fincher's game was on point with what he was given to work with.
1. I didn't notice they had the queen running around on walls the entire time...
3. You don't think characters like Vazquez, Hudson or Drake are over the top? And no, I'm not saying that, you seem to think I like Alien 3 better than Aliens, I don't, but I don't think Alien 3 is nearly as terrible as people make it out to be.
4. And he was for the time he was in, btw he was killed literally halfway through the movie, you're making it sound like it was sooner that it should've, it wasn't.
5. Is it really important that they didn't show them die in the TC? No it's not, besides they DO in the DC, there's really no point here and you didn't answer the question.
6. It does, and they do without good reason, why do you appeal to popularity? Who the **** cares about that? :lol
7. Of course not, they're convicts, why are you judging Alien3 like if it was supposed to be the same as Aliens? Those are murderers and rapists (you said it yourself) who were looking for redemption, you don't feel sad when someone achieves redemption, Vazquez, Hicks and co. weren't anywhere near the same type of characters as Alien3's.

1. You mean very poorly. Well I did also notice bunch of warrior alien crawling on the sealing, jumping, coming from top to bottom, etc.
4. One third of the movie. It was too soon, he did absolutely nothing to the plot other than to die. (Unlike Dillion who helped Ripley escape)
5. You speak as if DC didn't have any problem. It actually made even more plot holes.
6. Well the majority of the critics/fans/average movie goers cared. If you don't care about any of them well I don't have anything to say.
7. Yes and that is the reason why the movie is considered average at best. We were discussing whether the movie was critically outstanding or better than
Aliens, and it obviously isn't.

Alien 3 is my second favorite alien movie but to say that Alien 3 is a better movie than Aliens is completely false. (not specifically pointing at you)

Anyhow my girlfriend just came so I wont be able to reply for a while.
1. You mean very poorly. Well I did also notice bunch of warrior alien crawling on the sealing, jumping, coming from top to bottom, etc.
4. One third of the movie. It was too soon, he did absolutely nothing to the plot other than to die. (Unlike Dillion who helped Ripley escape)
5. You speak as if DC didn't have any problem. It actually made even more plot holes.
6. Well the majority of the critics/fans/average movie goers cared. If you don't care about any of them well I don't have anything to say.
7. Yes and that is the reason why the movie is considered average at best. We were discussing whether the movie was critically outstanding or better than
Aliens, and it obviously isn't.

Alien 3 is my second favorite alien movie but to say that Alien 3 is a better movie than Aliens is completely false. (not specifically pointing at you)

Anyhow my girlfriend just came so I wont be able to reply for a while.

1. It hasn't aged well, true, but I appreciate the cleverness, crawling, slowly, sure, jumping from top to bottom, sure, running like a ****ing dog on walls the whole time? Nope :lol
4. It was halfway, not 1/3, halfway, and he did help Ripley.
5. You say it like Aliens doesn't have plot holes or unaddressed things.
6. Critics care about popularity? That's probably true, You care? :lol I sure as hell don't, otherwise I'd be in the mindless bandwagon of Alien 3 haters :lol
7. No, we weren't discussing that, when did I say Alien 3 was better? When did I even hint at that being my opinion? It's obviously not critically outstanding because critics don't say so, but it IS good.

It's not false, it's subjective, I don't think it is but if someone said it was I wouldn't argue cause I think there are enough arguments to back that up.
Lists are cool.

For what it's worth I'm actually really looking forward to seeing Chappie.

Pretty interesting how that South African electro shock pop duo are in it.
On its own alien 3 is a beautiful balsy movie.
Fincher s work is solid even if it has been butchered.
Basically alien fans hâte it because it took a huge dump on their beloved characters, killing them ruthlessly.
Me Im still impressed that it happened, the Newt autopsy was gut wrenching...
It went back to the roots of the franchise, showing a cruel, realistic scifi world.
A4 is a steaming pile a **** that was done in hope of pleasing the fans.

Agreed. I just watched Alien 3 last night after not seeing it for years, and man, that autopsy is just horrifying. Just because it went in a different, darker direction doesn't automatically make it bad.

To this day, the deaths of Hicks and Newt bother me, but it's supposed to. Seeing Ripley go through that is interesting to me. I'm fine if this new movie creates an alternate universe where Hicks and Ripley live to fight another day, but I'm not just going to write off Alien 3 is a piece of crap. It's not. Considering the circumstances of the production where everything was ****ed up, I think Fincher, Weaver and the cast and crew managed to pull it off.

Also, as a character, Dillon is just as cool and interesting as any character from Alien and Aliens.
Alien 3 dared to be different.

No motion trackers.
No flamethrowers (or guns.)
No spaceship.
No alien being blown out of an airlock at the end.
No script immunity for Ripley.

It has problems, and I'm rarely in the mood for it but I still respect the hell out of it, especially with regard to Fincher's efforts.
Agreed. I just watched Alien 3 last night after not seeing it for years, and man, that autopsy is just horrifying. Just because it went in a different, darker direction doesn't automatically make it bad.

To this day, the deaths of Hicks and Newt bother me, but it's supposed to. Seeing Ripley go through that is interesting to me. I'm fine if this new movie creates an alternate universe where Hicks and Ripley live to fight another day, but I'm not just going to write off Alien 3 is a piece of crap. It's not. Considering the circumstances of the production where everything was ****ed up, I think Fincher, Weaver and the cast and crew managed to pull it off.

Also, as a character, Dillon is just as cool and interesting as any character from Alien and Aliens.
Yes, this. The extended directors cut is great, it helps fill up the plot holes, created when the studio execs invaded the set.
It's such a shame they deleted some of those desolate exteriors shot in Wales, they gave it a real tone. I also prefer the cow burster in the abattoir. Although the dog was pretty freaky shaking about on the ground giving birth.

Also it has one of my all time favourite Alien shots, Newt and Hicks funeral. The VO about life and death, the flames, the three faces superimposed, then the comment about new life, as a drop of blood trickles down weavers nose. Amazing stuff.

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