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Sometimes the message I get from this forum is that great movies are ''crap actually, you've been wrong the whole time'', as are great writers/directors. I can only assume that current movies which are considered great will in time also be ''crap actually'' and so too will be their writers and directors. It follows that future movies will initially enjoy a period of greatness before themselves succumbing to crapness.

It's a pity. Truly nothing is sacred. Aliens is ***t as is James Cameron, a more recent example - The Avengers, also ***t didn't you know, and it took Joss Whedon down with it, his next film is crap even before we've seen it. What next, I'm excited to find out.
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Sometimes the message I get from this forum is that great movies are ''crap actually, you've been wrong the whole time'', as are great writers/directors. I can only assume that current movies which are considered great will in time also be ''crap actually'' and so too will be their writers and directors. It follows that future movies will initially enjoy a period of greatness before themselves succumbing to crapness.

It's a pity. Truly nothing is sacred. Aliens is ***t as is James Cameron, a more recent example - The Avengers, also ***t didn't you know, and it took Joss Whedon down with it. What next, I'm excited to find out.

"Yeeeeah... that's right."

1. No I'm not changing the subject and I didn't say they were bad, read better.
4. Wtf are you talking about? Who made the autopsy again? Not move the plot? Seriously?
5. Aliens doesn't have plotholes? I suggest you google "Aliens plotholes", I think it may even have more than Alien 3.
6. Dude, you complain I'm changing the topic when you're the one incapable to stick to it, I don't know where you're going to here, but popularity means nothing, before that you said the mood or whatever didn't work for Alien 3, you're wrong, it did, and critics at the time were unable to see it, it lacks literary value and standards? PLEASE! :rotfl
7. I'm agreeing that the critics say it's awful, not saying I agree with the critics themselves, dear lord you're really struggling aren't you? :lol Besides, I have done more to back up the redeeming qualities of the movie, which are not few at all than you trying to highlight the supposedly "bad" parts about it.

1. According to your quote. "1. It hasn't aged well," "They may look outdated," so what are you trying to imply than? That it does not look bad but it hasn't aged well and they look outdated?

4. Why are you using swear words? Are you angry? You keep going back to the plot before he died. He did nothing to the plot after he was killed by the alien 3.

5. Please list them so we can discuss further.

6. I was not talking about popularity. I was talking about the literary value and standards. Please explain to me why you disagree with the critics.

7. Again please explain why you don't agree with them, instead of abusing the smiley faces.
"Yeeeeah... that's right." Pretty sad if you ask me.

I actually agree with Gaspar on Alien 3 but I presumably agree with you on Aliens......which I think you're quoting here^ ''Well I believe Corporal Hicks...has authority here...this operation is under military jurisdiction and Hicks is next in chain of command, am I right Corporal?'' :D
For you maybe. You should have backed up your claim that Alien 3 is masterpiece.
I would if I had made such claim, you should maybe learn to read.

1. According to your quote. "1. It hasn't aged well," "They may look outdated," so what are you trying to imply than? That it does not look bad but it hasn't aged well and they look outdated?

4. Why are you using swear words? Are you angry? You keep going back to the plot before he died. He did nothing to the plot after he was killed by the alien 3.

5. Please list them so we can discuss further.

6. I was not talking about popularity. I was talking about the literary value and standards. Please explain to me why you disagree with the critics.

7. Again please explain why you don't agree with them, instead of abusing the smiley faces.

1. Is it seriously that hard for you to comprehend? Is the concept of middle ground much too grand for you to grasp? It is all black and white?
4. Acronyms buddy, not angry, just tired by your pace, he did nothing for the plot after he was killed? :slap well ain't that a mind****? :lol Jeez, seriously, your so called criticisms go nowhere, and you ignored my questions from the early posts.
5. Goggle them, you can try to refute them after you read them.
6. I have explained why from the beginning, now you are getting this plot nowhere :lol
7. See point 6. **** no, I like emojis.
I would if I had made such claim, you should maybe learn to read.

1. Is it seriously that hard for you to comprehend? Is the concept of middle ground much too grand for you to grasp? It is all black and white?
4. Acronyms buddy, not angry, just tired by your pace, he did nothing for the plot after he was killed? :slap well ain't that a mind****? :lol Jeez, seriously, your so called criticisms go nowhere, and you ignored my questions from the early posts.
5. Goggle them, you can try to refute them after you read them.
6. I have explained why from the beginning, now you are getting this plot nowhere :lol
7. See point 6. **** no, I like emojis.

1. Here are your quotes " running like a ****ing dog on walls the whole time? " "I didn't notice they had the queen running around on walls the entire time..."
"There's no comparison because the 2 previous movies didn't do 80% of the stuff Alien 3 did"

So running like a ****ing dog on walls the whole time, and not noticing that the queen running around on walls the entire time and having 80 percent of the stuff is new makes it a visually outstanding movie?

Just to clarify this was my first initial argument "1. Terrible visual effects". So please explain to me why it is "NOT" a bad visual effect other than saying it looks cool.

4. Instead of saying "go nowhere" please explain to me what Clemen has done to the plot after he died.

5. If you want to backup your argument you need to be the one to show me the link not the other way around.

6.7. Your quote "popularity means nothing, before that you said the mood or whatever didn't work for Alien 3, you're wrong, it did, and critics at the time were unable to see it, it lacks literary value and standards? PLEASE!"

You have not explained anything... I'll ask you again. Why do you disagree with the critics? What makes you think they are wrong?
1. Here are your quotes " running like a ****ing dog on walls the whole time? " "I didn't notice they had the queen running around on walls the entire time..."
"There's no comparison because the 2 previous movies didn't do 80% of the stuff Alien 3 did"

So running like a ****ing dog on walls the whole time, and not noticing that the queen running around on walls the entire time and having 80 percent of the stuff is new makes it a visually outstanding movie?

Just to clarify this was my first initial argument "1. Terrible visual effects". So please explain to me why it is "NOT" a bad visual effect other than saying it looks cool.
No, the outstanding photography, the subdued mix of practical and chemical FX do make it a visually outstanding movie.

Sigh, seriously dude, keep up, again: It's not bad looking, some parts of the Alien running look outdated, they didn't age well, true. But the rest effects are not bad looking at all, they're gorgeous, cleverly executed with limited tools, in fact, the death scene of the Xeno in Alien 3 is hands down the best Xeno death scene in the entire franchise.

4. Instead of saying "go nowhere" please explain to me what Clemen has done to the plot after he died.
You really can't read can you?

5. If you want to backup your argument you need to be the one to show me the link not the other way around.
Yet you keep ignoring my questions, so no, google the ****ing thing, it's not difficult.

You have not explained anything... I'll ask you again. Why do you disagree with the critics? What makes you think they are wrong?
Yes I have, I have explicitly said what makes Alien 3 a good movie and in fact started with that, this whole stupid debate has been about that.
Sometimes the message I get from this forum is that great movies are ''crap actually, you've been wrong the whole time'', as are great writers/directors. I can only assume that current movies which are considered great will in time also be ''crap actually'' and so too will be their writers and directors. It follows that future movies will initially enjoy a period of greatness before themselves succumbing to crapness.

It's a pity. Truly nothing is sacred. Aliens is ***t as is James Cameron, a more recent example - The Avengers, also ***t didn't you know, and it took Joss Whedon down with it, his next film is crap even before we've seen it. What next, I'm excited to find out.

I've experienced this with atleast a dozen movies I've liked, maybe more. :lol

As for Alien 3, I've never personally been passionate about it, certainly not as much as I have Aliens. However, while I don't think it's a masterpiece, I do think it's a good movie. Ripley is still Ripley, the themes of meaning, despair, spirituality and redemption were brilliantly executed. The secondary cast with the self exiled Clemens, the other inmates and Dillon especially are all great. The dog/ox alien is cool, whether it's the shoddy CGI one or the stellar practical/prosthetic/suit version. The lighting and atmosphere of the environments are right up there with Alien and Aliens. Dillion's numerous quotes about fighting to the bitter end alone make the movie.

From a film making standpoint, the whole process and production of Alien 3 is fascinating. None of it should have worked with all the problems the production had, but I think it did. The movie had guts and was relentless, that's enough. If you can get past the plot holes of the facehugger aboard the ship and buy into this group of prisoners and Ripley grappling being human while trying to trap an alien in order to kill it, it's all good.
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I actually agree with Gaspar on Alien 3 but I presumably agree with you on Aliens......which I think you're quoting here^ ''Well I believe Corporal Hicks...has authority here...this operation is under military jurisdiction and Hicks is next in chain of command, am I right Corporal?'' :D
Yep. [emoji6]
Sometimes the message I get from this forum is that great movies are ''crap actually, you've been wrong the whole time'', as are great writers/directors.

I do think a lot of directors lose their edge with time but going back to rip on Cameron, Peter Jackson, Lucas, etc., in their prime is just silly. I've never held Whedon in particularly high regard. Never watched Buffy, never watched Firefly, thought Serenity was mediocre at best. Much Ado About Nothing was pretty decent.

It's a pity. Truly nothing is sacred. Aliens is ***t as is James Cameron, a more recent example - The Avengers, also ***t didn't you know, and it took Joss Whedon down with it, his next film is crap even before we've seen it. What next, I'm excited to find out.

I've been defending ALIENS against "Alien purists" on the internet since the 90's. :lol As for The Avengers, I think if you're a big Iron Man or Hulk fan, then that movie is for you. Otherwise it's entertaining and amusing but far from great. I certainly wouldn't say it's ****.
No, the outstanding photography, the subdued mix of practical and chemical FX do make it a visually outstanding movie.

Sigh, seriously dude, keep up, again: It's not bad looking, some parts of the Alien running look outdated, they didn't age well, true. But the rest effects are not bad looking at all, they're gorgeous, cleverly executed with limited tools, in fact, the death scene of the Xeno in Alien 3 is hands down the best Xeno death scene in the entire franchise.

You really can't read can you?

Yet you keep ignoring my questions, so no, google the ****ing thing, it's not difficult.

Yes I have, I have explicitly said what makes Alien 3 a good movie and in fact started with that, this whole stupid debate has been about that.

your quote "Sigh, seriously dude, keep up, again: It's not bad looking, some parts of the Alien running look outdated, they didn't age well, true. But the rest effects are not bad looking at all, they're gorgeous, cleverly executed with limited tools, in fact, the death scene of the Xeno in Alien 3 is hands down the best Xeno death scene in the entire franchise.

Every movie before and after alien 3 had gorgeous cleverly executed visual effects, with even more limited tools (and budget) (alien, aliens)

The death scene had a poor cg and looked like a video game. Or were you talking about Ripley's death scene because that looked even worse. (poor composition)

your quote "You really can't read can you?"

You want me to answer your question?

Here is your question

"Wtf are you talking about? Who made the autopsy again? Not move the plot? Seriously? "

And here was my answer

" You keep going back to the plot before he died. He did nothing to the plot after he was killed by the alien 3. "

He did do a lot of things before he died (it's a pity because he should have lived at least till the end because he as a character had a great potential) . I was asking you what he did to the plot after he was killed.

your quote "Yet you keep ignoring my questions, so no, google the ****ing thing, it's not difficult. "

Say if you are a lawyer would you ask the defendant to google the ****ing thing by themselves because it is not difficult and you will find evidence there?

This was your quote "I'm agreeing that the critics say it's awful, not saying I agree with the critics themselves, dear lord you're really struggling aren't you? Besides, I have done more to back up the redeeming qualities of the movie, which are not few at all than you trying to highlight the supposedly "bad" parts about it."

Most movies have redeeming qualities.

However because in a lot of places the movie has terrible visual effects,

major plot holes,

killing off a potential solid supporting character and spending most of the time in the first act and than just killing him off with absolutely no further plot device to back his character to go on,

people just disappearing for no reason,

and only having one mood unlike other good movies where people make you laugh cry and be happy,

and having a very flat 1 dimensional character that you could care less about or even be able to identify because of the way they look makes it a average movie.
That's not a "mod warning," I'm just suggesting that you spare yourself the headache of continuing the discussion. ;)

It's stressful but it's also fun to discuss about my favorite franchise. I'm not mad or anything. I'm just kinda tired of people treating alien 3 like it was as good or better than aliens.