New ALIEN Statue from Yoshihiko Sano

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Holy smokes!:thud:
I hate mine now. lol Really amazing work! I can tell you've studied the suit more than I have. Now that you point out the streaks and blotches, I see what you're talking about. :slap
Your piece is still excellent, DP. You got a lot of the shoulder detail and the streaks in the ribbed areas. And there is a lot of subtle details all over it very much like how Big Chap looks. And when you consider you didn't simply enhance a pre-painted statue, you did an incredible job. :clap I'd be happy to own your piece.

In some ways, you should be thankfull you're not as neurotically perfectionistic as I am. I actually get anxioty about stuff like this when I think about what it would take to really pull it off, and how much time, and what if I fail. You want to know hell, be me on a day when I totally fail to achieve my goal. :( When my first game plan for the under-dome head detail didn't work like I expected, I could not get out of my funk. But not giving up, and going back in to work on it (getting back on the horse, as they say) is why I can do this professionally.

You easily have the ability to do this professionally, and I can't wait to see what you do with that NECA PumpkinHead.
Your piece is still excellent, DP. You got a lot of the shoulder detail and the streaks in the ribbed areas. And there is a lot of subtle details all over it very much like how Big Chap looks. And when you consider you didn't simply enhance a pre-painted statue, you did an incredible job. :clap I'd be happy to own your piece.

In some ways, you should be thankfull you're not as neurotically perfectionistic as I am. I actually get anxioty about stuff like this when I think about what it would take to really pull it off, and how much time, and what if I fail. You want to know hell, be me on a day when I totally fail to achieve my goal. :( When my first game plan for the under-dome head detail didn't work like I expected, I could not get out of my funk. But not giving up, and going back in to work on it (getting back on the horse, as they say) is why I can do this professionally.

You easily have the ability to do this professionally, and I can't wait to see what you do with that NECA PumpkinHead.

You know what. I think I'm the same way. I just don't have the skills to completely satisfy myself yet. It took me about 8hrs (spread out)to paint mine. I was thinking about it every minute of every day. And when I messed up, I'd lose sleep over it. Then when I finished, I took a step back and one day later I stripped it and started again. After another 8hrs or so (spread out) I was happy with it but, knew/know it can be better. Now after seeing yours, It's inevitable that I will go back to it. :panic::lol
Thanks for the encouragement. I really appreciate it.
No problem. I've already put in probably 20 hours or more on mine, so don't think you're a loser for being slow. I think I'm pretty slow, but most of the companies I paint for seem to think I'm actually pretty fast, so you're doing fine if you can paint that whole thing in just 8 hours and make it look that good.

If you do repaint it, I don't think you need to start over, just enhance what's already there. What's there is perfect.
I was probably underestimating how long I spent on it. You know how time flies when you're having fun.
I probably put more like 25hrs in on the first paint job and 10-16 on the second. The 2nd time around went much faster because I knew what I wanted.
Exactly. I have no idea how many hours have gone into my own now, but I'm sure it's more than I think. If I had it to do again, it would probably go faster now that I know how to get where I want, like you said.

And I'll be spending the rest of tonight painting mine as well, starting right now. Just part of one leg left to detail and then the haze and tint phase, gloss, and teeth and nails. I really want to finish him tonight cause I may not get another chance until next weekend.
Alrighty, I got a lot done today. Everything but the base and chroming the teeth. He is absolutely gorgeous. I hope to squeeze in at least getting the teeth chromed on Sunday, then I'll take pics. The base will have to wait one more week. I should have my display case by then as well.:yess:
With few available references (none of great quality) of various suits used in the movie, This is my best attempt to incorporate everything I liked most from all that I could see. The black background is really making the light bounce through my translucent black tint. In person he seems a bit darker all over, really capturing the "all black" first impression you usually get when seeing Big Chap.

I'll take more pics with various backdrops, and full body pics when the base is done, but for now...





this is looking realy great!!! very good job! how did you the chroming of the teeth? i think the teeth looking like real chrome makes this one much more perfect!
Looks amazing!
A work of art.
My only critique would be the black-tinted dome, as I don't recall ever seeing it look like that in any reference pic (although every model/figure seems to go for that look), it always just looks fogged-up, but that's personal preference.
Congratulations on an amazing piece! Bravo!
I don't think I've ever said this for a collectible but this belongs in a museum. Breathtaking.
Giger would be proud! :clap:

Showed the pics to my GF and she said it looks "alive" and I would also have to agree with that statement. Incredible job bro!
Looks amazing!
A work of art.
My only critique would be the black-tinted dome, as I don't recall ever seeing it look like that in any reference pic (although every model/figure seems to go for that look), it always just looks fogged-up, but that's personal preference.
Congratulations on an amazing piece! Bravo!

Thank you, abake. Regarding the dome, you are neither wrong nor totally right. Trust me, I did my homework. It's already pretty well known that there were multiple suits, and that references regarding coloration are very inconsistant and the dome appearance seems extremely subject to lighting conditions. I've seen pics where the dome looks completely clear, others where it's tinted but still very translucent, some that are totally fogged out so you can't see the skull at all, etc.

My approach to painting my kit was to compile all that I could find, see what was most consistant and what wasn't, and then ultimately to decide what looks I liked the best. The following shots are the ones that convinced me to darken the front of the dome. I thought this created a striking look and helpted with the eyeless mystique. However, I used translucent black on the dome so that in person you can still sorta see the nose and you can still pretty clearly see the eye sockets, especially in direct light.







I still have my '79 Kenner 18" Alien.

So do I. I just wish I had an original box for it still. Right now I have it in a reproduction box (that isn't that high quality) which functions as a dust cover.

It's funny to see the Sano and Kenner next to each other. They're both about the same height, but the Sano is so much skinnier (properly proportioned though) that it looks weird.