New Doctor Who 1:6 from Big Chief Studios!

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I just tweeted Karen, hopefully she can have her people get production halted and the figure changed.

So, for the last few months you've been talking about how long it's been taking and they need to show the final product. Now, they show a final product and you're like "No no no, that won't do, we need to start over again, and take more time"

Le sigh, no wonder no manufacturers want to take part in the dialog here.
It does seem that this figure could be dramatically improved by simply having a better paint job and hair styling. In this pic the paint is clearly the problem:


A better paint job could give her this Amy expression:


It just looks plasticky like a Ganger.
So, for the last few months you've been talking about how long it's been taking and they need to show the final product. Now, they show a final product and you're like "No no no, that won't do, we need to start over again, and take more time"

Le sigh, no wonder no manufacturers want to take part in the dialog here.
Well yeah, this is not acceptable. Oh and don't blame it on the customers who "rushed" them, they had an entire year to get it right and blew it. The blame falls squarely on BCS for accepting this shoddy work in the first place.
Well yeah, this is not acceptable. Oh and don't blame it on the customers who "rushed" them, they had an entire year to get it right and blew it. The blame falls squarely on BCS for accepting this shoddy work in the first place.

Seriously, this.
So, for the last few months you've been talking about how long it's been taking and they need to show the final product. Now, they show a final product and you're like "No no no, that won't do, we need to start over again, and take more time"

Le sigh, no wonder no manufacturers want to take part in the dialog here.

I think the point completely flew over your head, dear lad. We were waiting on an action figure of Amy made by BC. Not a dead cosplayer with a wig. I'd gladly wait another year to get what I paid a deposit for.
I think the point completely flew over your head, dear lad. We were waiting on an action figure of Amy made by BC. Not a dead cosplayer with a wig. I'd gladly wait another year to get what I paid a deposit for.
Even though the wait has been tedious, we all expected something on par with Eleven. If they can tweek the head and make it right I'm willing to wait longer, if not then they won't get a dime from me.
I'd be very surprised if they'd be able to afford to send it back into pre-production for tweaks or changes. If they're showing this off, then it's the approved factory sample and most likely already in production.
I'd gladly wait another year to get what I paid a deposit for.

This is completely contrary to what has been said over the last few weeks in this thread. It seemed to me the general sentiment was "Amy is a dud, she's not going to sell well anyways, just release her and get it over with and move on to the next thing"

As TheObsoleteMan already said, females are notoriously hard to get right. Considering how the 11th Doctor came out, it's hard to believe anyone is surprised by this outcome. So now, Amy is here, and turned out rather poorly, like most female figures do, and it is what it is. Everyone has talked about how crappy a company BCS is, but they somehow expected them to deliver a stunning female figure??

The only company that has delivered a realistic looking female figure is Hot Toys, and BCS previously stated he doesn't know how Hot Toys does what they do. So, I really don't see how anyone actually expected a stunning figure.
I think this is it, guys. No more changes...

I personally wasn't expecting a stunning figure made up of PERFECT AND RAINBOWS AND UNICORN BARF. I liked the original prototype Amy just fine...
As TheObsoleteMan already said, females are notoriously hard to get right. Considering how the 11th Doctor came out, it's hard to believe anyone is surprised by this outcome. So now, Amy is here, and turned out rather poorly, like most female figures do, and it is what it is. Everyone has talked about how crappy a company BCS is, but they somehow expected them to deliver a stunning female figure??

Yes. The previous pictures of the headsculpt were a big improvement. We expected a product like we were shown, not a knock-off.
I think this is it, guys. No more changes...

I personally wasn't expecting a stunning figure made up of PERFECT AND RAINBOWS AND UNICORN BARF. I liked the original prototype Amy just fine...
Me too, I was pleased with the prototype. I want that figure and not the one we're seeing now.
Yes. The previous pictures of the headsculpt were a big improvement. We expected a product like we were shown, not a knock-off.
A knock-off is a very good description. It's like someone who painted the one we are seeing had no talent whatsoever. I'm telling you, with 10 not selling out and a horde of people cancelling their Amy preorders, BCS could be in financial trouble.
Yes. The previous pictures of the headsculpt were a big improvement. We expected a product like we were shown, not a knock-off.

No company ever delivers a figure that looks like the initial product photos.
No company ever delivers a figure that looks like the initial product photos.

That's funny. Most companies' production models actually LOOK like what they're supposed to be. They usually lack some finer detail like a wash over the hair, some drybrushing around the eyes etc. but at least the sculpts and paints are the same.

Please take a look at the 11th Doctor proto and the in-hand pics. Now look at Amy's.
look solely at the head of both the 10th and 11th doctor, and its easy to pick who it is.

look solely at Amy's head and i wouldn't have a clue at who that is.

easy pass.
Ten DIDN'T sell out?

Huh. And here I thought he did.
So, for the last few months you've been talking about how long it's been taking and they need to show the final product. Now, they show a final product and you're like "No no no, that won't do, we need to start over again, and take more time"

Le sigh, no wonder no manufacturers want to take part in the dialog here.

Well that tends to happen when the final product, which people have been waiting for over a year for 'improvements' at this point, turns out to actually look decidedly worse than the piece that they were supposedly correcting to begin with.

Regardless of any personal disagreements between members, or the occasional pointed comment that gets thrown about a little too readily sometimes in this thread, I don't think there is anyone here who is actively taking pleasure in seeing Big Chief stumble, or who wants to see that happen. But they have stumbled here, and to my mind stumbled pretty hard. And no amount of comforting faint praise will make that any less apparent, nor will it fool anyone who isn't satisfied, and is unhappy about waiting a year only to see a piece get progressively worse, rather than better.

Ultimately we all want to see them be successful enough so that the dream of, at the very least, getting all of the Doctors made, and made well, may one day come to fruition. We all have our own dream list of characters we'd love to see tackled one day by Big Chief, and done well, at least to the standard that we already know they are capable of from the Eleventh Doctor release, and hopefully even better than that. But this piece for many (most?) simply doesn't measure up, not by the standards of the price point, and not by the standards by which we know Big Chief themselves are capable of delivering. At least to a great many fans eyes, judging by what we have been shown today anyhow. And stating such isn't being mean, it's not a betrayal, or an insult. It is an expression of genuine disappointment for a piece that everyone hoped would be far better than it now appears destined to be.

And no matter what the reasons are behind why it has all turned out like this, at the end of the day the final product is what matters to collectors, and whether it is worth owning for the price it will cost to do so. Good intentions don't make great collections. Alas, in this case I fear that Big Chief is going to take a bit of a bath as far as that goes, if this is truly indicative of the final release version. And while I hope it isn't enough to damage them long term, at the end of the day they still have to earn collectors money, and here I just don't think they have done that, at least for a good many collectors if the feedback so far is any indication.

I imagine this is pretty much a nightmare for Big Chief, given the amount of time and money they must have sunk into this piece by now, and I do feel bad for them on that front. But it's a business, not a charity, and if they want collectors support, and the cash that comes with it, then they have to earn it, and do so with every piece that comes out, or else suffer the financial consequences. That's just how it works. Hopefully they'll fare better with future releases like Ten and Four.

My view anyhow.
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