This week gets better and better, a Nu-Who episode that I didn't regret seeing, my favorite incarnation of the Master gets his TARDIS and now news of a possible figure of the Brigadier....
Here's a thought,
"Web of Fear" 2-pack with Colonel Lethbridge Stewart and a Yeti!
Intresting info!
Not about the Brigadier or any other another lost Troughton story about to be brought back to life via animation?
I have to say I very much enjoyed this weeks Who too, Miles better then the previous episode.
Not connected to the toys I know, but thought I'd post this here as I made it after watching 'The Doctors Wife'. It's only the 'good stuff' that compels me to create something in shop these days.
I only really want Linx so I'll see if I can get him seperately off ebay.
If there's any other Pertwee figures after this a new jacket, open collared shirt and headsculpt needs doing to add some more variety 'cos that's 5 variations of the same attire so far.
Hopefully some all new stuff will be announced next such as the Yeti or the character that sueworld hinted at a couple of pages back.....I'd buy several of both
So is there ever going to be a Rory figure? Hes one of the main 3 characters and yet we still don't have a figure, yet we get one of that robot scientist from VOD and like 5 weeping angels.