William Shatners Toupee
Super Freak
Re: New Doctor Who Figures?
You're not a problem, brother. Every fan has a different agenda for their ultimate Who wants in figures. Some just want to get the Doctors. Some also want just a few aliens to represent each era or fav Doctor. Some want every character that every appeared in the series (laugh). Me? As long as we are lucky enough to have gotten all of the Doctors (or soon will be) and have a nice monster selection started, (and I do consider myself lucky as hell to have even these), what would really cap off my dream Doctor Who collection are a few of the major companions to really feel like I've captured each era. The Doctors seem so incomplete without Jamie or Leela. We don't need to agree. The important thing is that we are spoiled fans both supporting a line we love and maybe that support will get us both more of what we want.
True about as exclusives being the only SURE way to get them. What confuses me, and a difference in different countries processes may be the reason, is that for DCUC and Marvel Legends here in America, both Mattel and Hasbro say retailers don't care whats in each assortment as long as there are some bigger names in each one.
So to me, even if mass retail in the UK did say no companions and non-monster baddies for case packs, would they really be so invasive as to dictate what might go in a mass market boxed set made up with a companion tossed in?
I am more than fine with paying excusive prices for a companion because I realize that would be the most logical way to get them.
After that, they can find ways to re-use them to get their money back.
A "FURY FROM THE DEEP" two-pack with the Trout in a wool hat and Jamie in a life-vest accessory is one cheap re-use.
My favorite jerky suggestion to sell companions has been packing them, as Prog recently re-mentioned, with major enemies that can only be bought in that 2-pack or special set.
Packing Jamie in with an EVIL OF THE DALEKS deluxe Dalek Emperor BOXED SET would guarantee his being sold.
So if CO sold Jamie as an exclusive, with variant exclusive, hopefully that alone would pay back most of the cost. I have no idea how much that is. If he's packed with the Emperor too, I'd hope cost paid for, profit made. Throw in Ace after she's been sold as an exclusive with Bessie which I see being an exclusive eventually as well, more use for the mold. I'm just saying there are always ways to make it finacially viable.
Placing any companion in a twin-exclusive two-pack with an exclusive villain like DAVROS or Ice Lord, being the only place to buy them, would ensure the companions sale as well. I don't expect alot of companions to be made in all honesty, but I would hope for a popular four or five, most coming from Toms era at the end of the day.
To be real jerks they could put a cool BAF like a Daemon with the companion exclusives released that year (laugh).
Hells yea!
I guess I'm part of your problem then, in that I would prefer even obscure monsters over human likenesses. So long as they keep up the quality that is.
You're not a problem, brother. Every fan has a different agenda for their ultimate Who wants in figures. Some just want to get the Doctors. Some also want just a few aliens to represent each era or fav Doctor. Some want every character that every appeared in the series (laugh). Me? As long as we are lucky enough to have gotten all of the Doctors (or soon will be) and have a nice monster selection started, (and I do consider myself lucky as hell to have even these), what would really cap off my dream Doctor Who collection are a few of the major companions to really feel like I've captured each era. The Doctors seem so incomplete without Jamie or Leela. We don't need to agree. The important thing is that we are spoiled fans both supporting a line we love and maybe that support will get us both more of what we want.

I am not sure you still understand though bcm... its the retailers which CO sells their figures to who don't want companions and non-monster aliens.
It is correct that we will only get Ainley/Delgado/Companions if an independent retailers steps up and orders them as exclusives - - which also means there would be a price mark up.
True about as exclusives being the only SURE way to get them. What confuses me, and a difference in different countries processes may be the reason, is that for DCUC and Marvel Legends here in America, both Mattel and Hasbro say retailers don't care whats in each assortment as long as there are some bigger names in each one.
So to me, even if mass retail in the UK did say no companions and non-monster baddies for case packs, would they really be so invasive as to dictate what might go in a mass market boxed set made up with a companion tossed in?
Those were two different sets of skins that would require two different sculpts. And even if that wasn't the case, how would you amortize characters like Jamie and Ace?
I am more than fine with paying excusive prices for a companion because I realize that would be the most logical way to get them.
After that, they can find ways to re-use them to get their money back.
A "FURY FROM THE DEEP" two-pack with the Trout in a wool hat and Jamie in a life-vest accessory is one cheap re-use.
My favorite jerky suggestion to sell companions has been packing them, as Prog recently re-mentioned, with major enemies that can only be bought in that 2-pack or special set.
Packing Jamie in with an EVIL OF THE DALEKS deluxe Dalek Emperor BOXED SET would guarantee his being sold.
So if CO sold Jamie as an exclusive, with variant exclusive, hopefully that alone would pay back most of the cost. I have no idea how much that is. If he's packed with the Emperor too, I'd hope cost paid for, profit made. Throw in Ace after she's been sold as an exclusive with Bessie which I see being an exclusive eventually as well, more use for the mold. I'm just saying there are always ways to make it finacially viable.
Placing any companion in a twin-exclusive two-pack with an exclusive villain like DAVROS or Ice Lord, being the only place to buy them, would ensure the companions sale as well. I don't expect alot of companions to be made in all honesty, but I would hope for a popular four or five, most coming from Toms era at the end of the day.
To be real jerks they could put a cool BAF like a Daemon with the companion exclusives released that year (laugh).
two packs with a companion + an alien seem like a good way to get companions into fan's hands and still sell larger amounts of figures because the kids might be more willing to accept a "boring" character if it was packed with a Dalek varient or a monster.
Hells yea!