Insufferable S.O.B.
I wouldn't invest in toys.
I wouldn't invest in toys.
Why not? A lot of these guys go up in value. Rarely do you see one go down in value (unless it's broken). Most of the iconic pieces like Dutch go up. If Hicks is going for what he goes for now then Dutch should do even better. If you asked people if they know who Hicks is from the movie Aliens most people would say "who"? But if you ask who Dutch is from Predator they will say was that Arnold's character? You would say yes, and they would say yeah I know who you are talking about. Dutch is just too popular and people have been waiting a long time for this guy. This hobby is growing rapidly and the people who missed out on this guy are going to want to get him once they get into this.
Thank u! just shows how awesome this figure is. The amazing headsculpt+HT's new muscle body = AWESOMENESS!WOW that last pic looks so life like its not even funny! Good lighting.
Were the arms detachable or not, i can't remember?
I have a question about the wrist pegs.
Can any Hot Toys wrist peg fit in to replace the broken one or does it have to be the one from the new body?
No one knows?
I have a few extra laying around incase the worst happens and I want to know if any HT wrist peg will work?
No one knows?
I have a few extra laying around incase the worst happens and I want to know if any HT wrist peg will work?