Why dont we? Dutch had a civilian, camo and muddy costume in the movie. 3 different sets of heads, bodies clothing and accesorries. How would they manage that unless they were making a special version? The first release of Dutch is perfectly fine if you only want a Dutch in camo figure.
If you want more the only way is DX. A remake of Camo Dutch is not needed.
I doubt Hot Toys will make any DX with 3 full different bodies. "Civilian" clothes you can just pick up a red polo and pants over on ebay for less than $20 and works and fits just fine. A battle damage/Muddy version would be cool but I don't see the need for a "DX". MMS does at times comes with 2 sculpts and extra accessories or clothing. I do not see why it can be just a "regular" release.
a DX Dutch would not need to have 3 different versions (civilian, camo and mud) But it could have a Civilian and Camo or a camo and muddy. And its guaranteed to sell out. And i doubt you could find anybody thats into hot toys and predator that would not buy it.
A new Dutch figure will come in a year or two its guaranteed. He is just too popular. And when he does come i feel it will be DX treatment.