My muse is a fickle b**ch can now rest easy knowing your beloved Hobbit PF's are on the way.![]()
It's ok, you know no matter what I say on here I'll get them anyway. I can't help myself. can now rest easy knowing your beloved Hobbit PF's are on the way.![]()
It's ok, you know no matter what I say on here I'll get them anyway. I can't help myself.![]()
I'm hoping for a Denathor maquette in this line. Has anyone any preference for how he should be presented. Here are my ideas, the 1st two are obvious choices.
1. On his throne with Boromir's cloven horn
2. On the pyre with a flaming torch
3. with a palantir in a battle wills with Sauron. (this happened in the book & was kind of hinted at in the film) This is my favourite option
SS has said we will see Denethor somewhere down the road......I'm hoping for Option #1 myself.![]()
#1 would be the most perfect option.
Something like this guys?...only much better.
Eaglemoss figure.![]()
Not bad for such a small size.
I know you are not over fond of the Eaglemoss stuff Collin...but they did product quite a range.
really hoping we get another announcement soon. I love the Aragorn piece (just need a replacement for mine).
Maybe Gimli this week in the newsletter would be perfect timing with the excitement around the line with Aragorn just shipping now..
Great news, have been looking forward to this one for what seems like an age now.
He looks great so far, and if he is up to the standard set by the Aragorn maquette, I'll be happy.
I'm in!
If you're happy with the Aragorn likeness, then you'll definitely be happy with gimli because IMO, it is easier to capture a characters likeness if they are ugly/funky looking.
If you're happy with the Aragorn likeness, then you'll definitely be happy with gimli because IMO, it is easier to capture a characters likeness if they are ugly/funky looking.