Super Freak
No problem. Hope to do something similar when the gimli maquette ships.
Is that an interview with Tim then?

No problem. Hope to do something similar when the gimli maquette ships.
A useful interview. Sort of surprised about Galadriel
That PF is that bad? Never seen it in person but pics aren't that flattering I admit.
There is an indication it will be a pair of Hobbits!
Unfortunately, that indication is only in my head...
Of course all four hobbits hiding from the wraith on the road to Bree, a truly classic image from the films and book I think, could be interesting but not quite in the spirit of the maquettes. Of course Frodo could be fingering the ring, too dio like I suppose.
Merry and Pippin on the wall would be great, but also I think, both of them in their respective armor for Gondor and Rohan!