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Iminime is going to do Michael Corleone 2.0 as a purchaser of the original one that was sort of a bust this pisses me off. As one of the biggest godfather fans on planet earth this has me ecstatic.
Iminime is going to do Michael Corleone 2.0 as a purchaser of the original one that was sort of a bust this pisses me off. As one of the biggest godfather fans on planet earth this has me ecstatic.

haven't read anything yet about it? some time ago, they asked if there exists interest, but haven't heard that this has been confirmed that they're going to do it. so have they confirmed it by now?

For anyone who has lost their rose bud for this figure I have found a temporary solution I have just bought these and to me they work very well.

I bought this figure about a week or so knowing the rose was missing so I don't know what the original one should look like. These are made of paper and the stem is wire with green paper wrapped around it. If I could work out how to add a photo I will up load one.
I live in England and they shipped them to me. I also bought a set from a seller in the uk off ebay but the buds are not as red as the ones from the states.

hope this helps someone out

Thanks for that, I guess that's worth a shot. Can the green leaves be neatly removed from the bud? If so it's the closet stand in that I've seen so far but I'm still hoping that someone would just do a cast of the original
Yes you can

Here is a picture of the figure with the replacement rose

apologies for the poor photo it was taken with my phone

I was actually thinking about casting mine, but considering just the time it would take and how to cast something that small, and clean up. . . I doubt I could charge something that would be worth my time, but not being outrageous for something so small.

Having said that, looking at /\ that photo, and looking at my original rose, that one looks better :lol Maybe a little big, but it looks more realistic.
I was actually thinking about casting mine, but considering just the time it would take and how to cast something that small, and clean up. . . I doubt I could charge something that would be worth my time, but not being outrageous for something so small.

Having said that, looking at /\ that photo, and looking at my original rose, that one looks better :lol Maybe a little big, but it looks more realistic.

Wanna split a dozen a piece? :lol
Glad to of helped.... for once :)

Off the top of my head I don't think the buds look that big in real like. I took the photo close up mainly focusing on the rose so people could get a look at it. I'll take another photo when I get home from further back of the full figure.
As I said before I bought my figure without the rose so I don't know what I am complaring it to.

Shame you guys don't live in the UK or I would of posted some to you.
Awesome pics!
Congrats on getting such an awesome figure.

BTW, does anybody have a Box that they would be willing to part with? My maid threw mine away and I effing loved the box...
I'm surprised no one made a "she can throw my box away, so long as she replaces it with her's" pun. Thank you, folks; I'll be here all week.:lol

Honestly, though, awesome pics, Paramore. That's still a grail of mine that I'd love to own someday.
Great pics Paramore. This is definitely an awesome fig. I wish that HT did more things of this nature.

If your cleaning girl looks like that.... can we trade for a few weeks? Mine's not half bad and she brings along a decent friend once and a while... but nothing like that!!