bread base
Without wanting to get you too excitedi have heard from a reliable source that a new GG PF is on the way and will be an accompany piece to the new Spidey PF
Hasn't been officially confirmed but enough hints have been dropped about Green Goblin going with this
On the other forum:
- Igo mentioned this is the first in a line if Spidey and villains
- about a week ago I asked him for a hint at the first villain, the hint he gave is that villain heavily incorporates green. He also said it wouldn't be ready for SDCC but would be seen soon after
- the description page for the Spidey PF flat out says the pumpkin bombs on the base are Green Goblin's. That might not mean too much since Cylcop's PF had Magneto's helmet on it, years later still no Magneto PF.
But I also asked what makes these Spidey PFs a "line" of their own. He said the bases are themed and all of them will be in more dynamic poses, no museum poses. That being the case, it seems highly likely there's a Green Goblin coming to match this Spidey.
Greater question is what other villains are we getting and how deep will this line go?...I hope its ongoing
I dont think that is what it looks like myself. Actually, I think they did a fairly good job of showing an explosion, and if other 'action oriented' pieces convey the same thing, you could have one heck of a display.
I am already wavering about waiting for the variant, not a good sign, I think it is THAT impressive. But agree with El Mule, at these price points we should be getting MULTIPLE switchouts for both the Reg and EX. You have to go Mythos level on these pieces to really make it feel like you are getting the right amount of bang for your buck.
I can't imagine anyone who's interested in the XM Spidey pieces to pass on this and given the price difference it feels like a no brainer to me. Since it seems like we all wish XM had a higher ES, this should sell at least the first thousand or so pieces instantly. All I'm thinking about is whether to get the ex or reg given it's a $250 price difference for us international collectors.
On another note, I wonder if this one or the old Com is closer to Mister Canale's heart. Wonder which one the master likes better. I'm liking this one better.
Oh, well I meant like houses in a different away. I told you I wasn't going to give a good metaphor!
Rare things sell for more to those who want to pay for them. Not all statues skyrocket in value to the point where Sideshow should feel there's loads of money being left on the table. They make edition sizes for the masses, but have now priced out a great deal of people. Someone just mentioned they were going to cancel Power Girl -- and may still, though they'll lose money -- so they can get this. Power Girl still hasn't sold out, so now those could possibly start piling up. As could other pieces with large ES. We'll have to wait and see!
I know this was talked about in a thread a few months ago...maybe longer...but nobody should ever buy these statues as an investment. Especially now. Unless you mean Sideshow thinking about making profits on their statues and taking the aftermarket into consideration and just simply beating people who re-sell statues to the punch by adding the costs upfront. If that's the case then it's not smart business in the long run, which has been made clear by the negative reaction here (and we can all just wait until the top posts on Facebook sound like!)
It's no surprise, this piece needs a GG to make it work.
$1,000 Dio anyone![]()
I think the pose is cool but I'm worried about the paint on the production pieces. You can see some sloppy lines on the prototype HS already--not horrible but doesn't make me have a lot of faith when they're going to produce several thousand of them.
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Even the professionally painted protos ain't what they used to be
Suppose it's a better reflection on what will actually be delivered.