Super Freak
Another two weeks... geesh this is killer.
Okay, scratch everything else...I want to see a Hilary Clinton Comiquette by AH. I bet that would be hot!!
You know, followed by Madeline Albright, Thatcher, Condoleeza...it could be his Monsters of Politics - Babe edition line!
Mr. Hughes...work your magic!
Please be Sue Storm.....ya hear that Adam?![]()
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!my choice is Ms.Marvel or Jean Grey
Okay...WOW, this is a long thread!
I gotta say I have been along time fan of AH! His work is just superb and has gotten better and better through the years. But enough @$$-kissing.
I think if its a Mutant, it will probably be Mystique or Scarlet Witch, which is win-win. Now I think someone mentioned this before but since these kind of products are geared more for lifelong fans then it shouldn't necessarily have to be THE most popular characters. You take Iron Fist for example...I've always liked him but he's always been second or third tier, except that with this new series he's become very popular. It would be foolish of Marvel to limit themselves to the same-old, same-old that they've done time and again. When they could breathe new life into other properties. I can't wait for the next comiquette but it would be nice if other "not as popular" characters were not out of the running. Especially if they haven't gotten the statue treatment before.
I would love to see a TIGRA, a VIPER, a SPIDER WOMAN or a BLINK.
What I think would be really cool since it is AH and I haven't seen one before is a SPIRAL statue. I know, she's not the most popular, but if anyone can do her justice its AH. Am I alone in this? Any seconds? Hello? Is this thing on?
Most anything that comes down the line is going to be great, but I have seen the Invisible Woman, JeanGrey/Marvel Girl/Phoenix, Storm, Black Widow and Psylocke a bunch of times before, it would be nice to see someone new for a change.
Either way, I hope we find out soon, cause "its the suspense that gets ya!" and my heart can't take much more!![]()
All I can say is that I wouldn't like an ordinary invisible woman (civilian costume)...I'd want an Invisible Woman SUE STORM, with her outfit. But my choice is Ms.Marvel or Jean Grey:chew:chew:chew
ps Has anybody suggested Kitty Pryde as the next one??![]()
There were six originally planned and in production figures with designs being constantly retooled but characters already picked out and approved.
These were supposed to be classic Marvel ladies that were given that AH! Cheesecake flair.
The thought is that when AH! exclusivity with DC (which some are saying has come and gone??) is over that the success of the line will make SSC look at a continuation of this line past the inital six.
I could easily see more modern women like Blink or Viper or Tigra down the line if this continues but don't expect them in the next three announcements (...whenever that may be....)
I want her tarted up as much as possible. Slutification to the max, if you will. Or REALLY surprise us and make an Amish Black Widow. A Gurkha wearing Ms. Marvel or a "Little House on the Prairie" She Hulk. All would be wise investments.
I thought Adam said the choices were constantly changing and that's why they couldn't tell us who was next because they might get fans hyped up for one character and then announce some other character.
I'll throw up some predictions, but let's say Jean, Sue Storm, and Black Widow.
I thought of having Mystique, and I would like a Mystique one.
Hey, what the heck, give us an Aunt May statue AH!