Next Dead PF: Templar's Verdict Knight

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Yeah I have to say im more excited to see the Grim Reaper looking guy more than the Templar zombie. Seeing it in person at first I ran over to it because I was like wow the "Templar Zombie" then when I actually got a chance to really see it and look it over I wasnt all that impressed.
This thing was really cool. If I collected The Dead PF's I'd get this.

I want to like it, just because it's The Dead, but this piece does absolutely nothing for me. Looks like one of the withered corpses from an Indy flick hanging on a pike. Given the articulation they're getting out of the droid bodies, I wish Sideshow would go back to 1/6 dead and experiment with more "devoured" and decomposed zombies. :(
I want to like it, just because it's The Dead, but this piece does absolutely nothing for me. Looks like one of the withered corpses from an Indy flick hanging on a pike. Given the articulation they're getting out of the droid bodies, I wish Sideshow would go back to 1/6 dead and experiment with more "devoured" and decomposed zombies. :(


Yep, same thing I think. I look at it and I think cool a templar zombie, but then I take a closer look at it and yeah it really isnt impressive to me. Im not diggin his legs at all.
To be honest I always thought the Walking Dead series would inspire Sideshow to go back to the 1/6 Dead zombies. :(

The irony being that if they do, from what I understand, instead of being modern zombies and despite the still vastly untapped roles, it'll be historic zombies like Abe Lincoln, this Templar Knight, etc. :monkey1
It's an amazing piece... definitely far fetched and not-so-zombie related, but a gorgeous piece...

After seeing the Death PF, I went back and took a better look at this one. For some reason, I think they would display very well together.
Yeah I mean its not horrible, I just think zombie and I think blood and guts and this one just didnt really "ooze" blood and guts. Like I said earlier, Im actually more interested in that Reaper now.

Wait until you see that one in person. :thud:
He's definitely something that needs to be seen from all sides. He's got a lot of detail on him and the base. I saw something new each time I looked at him.