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WTF a meat mask? :monkey4

I'm a horror fan and a Predator fan but I don't think I would ever have that nasty looking thing in my house. It looks like something that nut Lady Gaga would wear.
FINALLY!!! :yess:

tver.png excuse me while I go change my pants.
looks awsome but Iwish they would get back to more traditional gory zombies. Id kill for a tarman pf from return of the living dead.
This line really seems to underwhelm me... I'm huge zombie fan, but this and the other two were meh! Well, PZ wasn't too bad....SSC why not offer PF's based on the Romero Zombie films.. has a hardcore following, a huge fan-base and there are many iconic make-ups from each film. Maybe even some of the Italian Zombie movies... How about a Zombie PF based on the southern US Voodoo lore.. some very creepy images there... They are capable of bringing amazing stuff to the table yet this PF line is weak IMO. I know I'm responding to a few photos but my first impression is..PASS!
Not impressed with the tailoring or the stitching of the cross on the robe. A weak entry for Sideshow, IMO compared to some of the other pieces they are unveiling at the show.
Im not too excited about the final out come - but its still getting ordered ,anything zombie related is more than welcome in my collection :wink1:
Im not too excited about the final out come - but its still getting ordered ,anything zombie related is more than welcome in my collection :wink1:

agree dude, not the best "looking" zombie but its still a good buy..go dead!!!:exactly:
Looks pretty cool but again please for the love of god bring back some good zombies like the ones from walking dead oe return of the living dead or any of the romero films.